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Possibly, i used to own a Black Luster Soldier a while back but sold it. I still have the ritual card, oh and use bay to find one.

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Q: Was the parallel rare card black luster soldier MF03 EN009 ever released and if it was where can you find one?
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Mistral the Silver Shield (Common)ANPR-EN005 Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN006 Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain (Common)ANPR-EN007 Morphtronic Magnen Bar (Common)ANPR-EN008 Jester Lord (Rare)ANPR-EN009 Jester Confit (Super Rare)ANPR-EN010 Fortune Lady Light (Rare)ANPR-EN011 Fortune Lady Fire (Rare)ANPR-EN012 Infernity Beast (Common)ANPR-EN013 Darksea Rescue (Rare)ANPR-EN014 Darksea Float (Common)ANPR-EN015 Turbo Rocket (Rare)ANPR-EN016 Earthbound Immortal Cusillu (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN017 Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN018 Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (Common)ANPR-EN019 Koa'ki Meiru Crusader (Super Rare)ANPR-EN020 Koa'ki Meiru Speeder (Rare)ANPR-EN021 Koa'ki Meiru Tornado (Rare)ANPR-EN022 Koa'ki Meiru Hydro Barrier (Common)ANPR-EN023 Scary Moth (Common)ANPR-EN024 Shiny Black "C" (Common)ANPR-EN025 Armed Sea Hunter (Common)ANPR-EN026 Divine Dragon Aquabizarre (Common)ANPR-EN027 Fishborg Blaster (Common)ANPR-EN028 Shark Cruiser (Common)ANPR-EN029 Armored Axon Kicker (Common)ANPR-EN030 Genetic Woman (Common)ANPR-EN031 Magicat (Rare)ANPR-EN032 Cyborg Doctor (Common)ANPR-EN033 White Potan (Common)ANPR-EN034 Minefieldriller (Super Rare)ANPR-EN035 XX-Saber Faultroll (Super Rare)ANPR-EN036 XX-Saber Ragigura (Common)ANPR-EN037 Flamvell Firedog (Rare)ANPR-EN038 Ancient Crimson Ape (Common)ANPR-EN039 Falchionβ (Rare)ANPR-EN040 Ancient Fairy Dragon (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Ghost Rare)ANPR-EN041 Turbo Cannon (Super Rare)ANPR-EN042 Archfiend Zombie-Skull (Super Rare)ANPR-EN043 Ancient Sacred Wyvern (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN044 XX-Saber Gottoms (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN045 Release Restraint Wave (Common)ANPR-EN046 Silver Wing (Common)ANPR-EN047 Advance Draw (Common)ANPR-EN048 Ancient Forest (Super Rare)ANPR-EN049 Emergency Assistance (Common)ANPR-EN050 Spirit Burner (Common)ANPR-EN051 Future Visions (Super Rare)ANPR-EN052 Core Compression (Super Rare)ANPR-EN053 Core Blaster (Common)ANPR-EN054 Solidarity (Rare)ANPR-EN055 Hydro Pressure Cannon (Common)ANPR-EN056 Water Hazard (Common)ANPR-EN057 Brain Research Lab (Common)ANPR-EN058 Saber Slash (Super Rare)ANPR-EN059 Sword of Sparkles (Common)ANPR-EN060 Rekindling (Common)ANPR-EN061 Ancient Leaf (Common)ANPR-EN062 Fossil Dig (Common)ANPR-EN063 Skill Successor (Super Rare)ANPR-EN064 Reinforce Truth (Rare)ANPR-EN065 Pixie Ring (Common)ANPR-EN066 Fairy Wind (Common)ANPR-EN067 Imperial Custom (Common)ANPR-EN068 Discord (Super Rare)ANPR-EN069 Slip of Fortune (Common)ANPR-EN070 Depth Amulet (Common)ANPR-EN071 Damage Translation (Common)ANPR-EN072 Battle Teleportation (Common)ANPR-EN073 Core Reinforcement (Rare)ANPR-EN074 Iron Core Luster (Common)ANPR-EN075 Battle of the Elements (Common)ANPR-EN076 Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord (Common)ANPR-EN077 Psychic Soul (Common)ANPR-EN078 Flamvell Counter (Common)ANPR-EN079 At One With the Sword (Common)ANPR-EN080 A Major Upset (Common)ANPR-EN081 XX-Saber Fulhelmknight (Rare)ANPR-EN082 Koa'ki Meiru Ghoulungulate (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN083 Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN084 Psychic Emperor (Rare)ANPR-EN085 Card Guard (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN086 Flamvell Commando (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN087 Pseudo Space (Rare)ANPR-EN088 Greed Grado (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN089 Revival of the Immortals (Super Rare)ANPR-EN090 Arcana Knight Joker (Rare)ANPR-EN091 Armityle the Chaos Phantom (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN092 White Night Dragon (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN093 Card Blocker (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN094 Gaia Plate the Earth Giant (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN095 Sauropod Brachion (Rare)ANPR-EN096 Gaap the Divine Soldier (Rare)ANPR-EN097 Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür (Super Rare)ANPR-EN098 Kasha (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN099 Elemental Hero Gaia (Secret Rare)ANPR-JP001 Kuribon 「クリボン」 (Rare)ANPR-JP002 Sunny Pixie 「サニー・ピクシー」ANPR-JP003 Sunlight Unicorn 「サンライト・ユニコーン」ANPR-JP004 Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield 「BF-銀盾のミストラル」ANPR-JP005 Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor 「BF-大旆のヴァーユ」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP006 Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain 「BF-鉄鎖のフェーン」ANPR-JP007 Morphtronic Magnen Bar 「D・マグネンI」ANPR-JP008 Jester Lord 「ジェスター・ロード」ANPR-JP009 Jester Confit 「ジェスター・コンフィ」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP010 Fortune Lady Light 「フォーチュンレディ・ライティー」 (Rare)ANPR-JP011 Fortune Lady Fire 「フォーチュンレディ・ファイリー」 (Rare)ANPR-JP012 Infernity Beast 「インフェルニティ・ビースト」ANPR-JP013 Darksea Rescue 「ダークシー・レスキュー」ANPR-JP014 Darksea Float 「ダークシー・フロート」ANPR-JP015 Turbo Rocket 「ワンショット・ロケット」(Rare)ANPR-JP016 Earthbound Immortal Cusillu 「地縛神 Cusillu」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-JP017 Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua 「地(じ)縛(ばく)神(しん)Chacu(チャク)Challhua(チャルア)」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-JP018 Koa'ki Meiru Boulder 「コアキメイル・ロック」ANPR-JP019 Koa'ki Meiru Crusader 「コアキメイル・クルセイダー」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP020 Koa'ki Meiru Speeder 「コアキメイル・スピード」ANPR-JP021 Koa'ki Meiru Tornado 「コアキメイル・トルネード」 (Rare)ANPR-JP022 Koa'ki Meiru Hydro Barrier 「コアキメイル・フルバリア」 (Rare)ANPR-JP023 Scary Moth 「スケイルモース」ANPR-JP024 Shiny Black "C"「黒光りするG」ANPR-JP025 Armed Sea Hunter 「アームズ・シーハンター」ANPR-JP026 Divine Dragon Aquabizarre 「神竜アクアバザル」ANPR-JP027 Fishborg Gunner 「フィッシュボーグ-ガンナー」ANPR-JP028 Shark Cruiser 「シャーク・ザ・クルー」ANPR-JP029 Armored Axon Kicker 「アーマード・サイキッカー」ANPR-JP030 Genetic Woman 「ジェネティック・ウーマン」ANPR-JP031 Magicat 「マジキャット」 (Rare)ANPR-JP032 Cyborg Doctor 「サイボーグドクター」 (Rare)ANPR-JP033 White Botan 「ホワイトボータン」ANPR-JP034 Minefieldriller 「マインフィールド」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP035 XX-Saber Faultroll 「XX-セイバー フォルトロール」ANPR-JP036 XX-Saber Ragigura 「XX-セイバー レイジグラ」ANPR-JP037 Flamvell Firedog 「フレムベル・ヘルドッグ」 (Rare)ANPR-JP038 Ancient Crimson Ape 「エンシェント・クリムゾン・エイプ」ANPR-JP039 Falchionβ 「ファルシオンβ」 (Rare)ANPR-JP040 Ancient Fairy Dragon 「エンシェント・フェアリー・ドラゴン」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Holographic Rare)ANPR-JP041 Turbo Cannon 「ワンショット・キャノン」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP042 Archfiend Zombie-Skull 「アンデット・スカル・デーモン」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)"ANPR-JP043 Ancient Sacred Wyvern 「エンシェント・ホーリー・ワイバーン」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP044 XX-Saber Gottoms 「XX-セイバー ガトムズ」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)"ANPR-JP045 Release Restraint Wave 「拘束解放波」 (Rare)ANPR-JP046 Silver Wing 「白銀の翼」ANPR-JP047 Advance Draw 「アドバンスドロー」ANPR-JP048 Ancient Forest 「古の森」 (Rare)ANPR-JP049 Emergency Assistance 「救急救命」ANPR-JP050 Spirit Burner 「スピリット・バーナー」ANPR-JP051 Future Visions 「フューチャー・ヴィジョン」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP052 Core Compression 「コア濃度圧縮」 (Rare)ANPR-JP053 Core Blaster 「コアバスター」ANPR-JP054 Solidarity 「一族の結束」ANPR-JP055 Hydro Pressure Cannon 「ハイドロプレッシャーカノン」ANPR-JP056 Water Hazard 「ウォーターハザード」 (Rare)ANPR-JP057 Brain Research Lab 「脳開発研究所」ANPR-JP058 Saber Slash 「セイバー・スラッシュ」ANPR-JP059 Sword of Sparkles 「剣の煌き」ANPR-JP060 Rekindling 「真炎の爆発」ANPR-JP061 Ancient Leaf 「エンシェント・リーフ」ANPR-JP062 Fossil Dig 「化石調査」ANPR-JP063 Skill Successor 「スキル・サクセサー」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP064 Truth Reinforce 「トゥルース・リインフォース」 (Rare)ANPR-JP065 Pixie Ring 「ガリトラップ−ピクシーの輪−」ANPR-JP066 Fairy Wind 「妖精の風」 (Rare)ANPR-JP067 Imperial Custom 「宮廷のしきたり」ANPR-JP068 Discord 「不協和音」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP069 Slip of Fortune 「フォーチュン・スリップ」 (Rare)ANPR-JP070 Depth Amulet 「デプス・アミュレット」ANPR-JP071 Damage Translation 「ダメージ・トランスレーション」ANPR-JP072 Battle Teleportation 「バトル・テレポーテーション」ANPR-JP073 Core Reinforcement 「コアの再練成」ANPR-JP074 Iron Core Luster 「鋼核の輝き」 (Rare)ANPR-JP075 Battle of the Elements 「異種闘争」ANPR-JP076 Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord 「海竜神の加護」ANPR-JP077 Psychic Soul 「サイコ・ソウル」ANPR-JP078 Flamvell Counter 「フレムベルカウンター」ANPR-JP079 At One With the Sword 「身剣一体」ANPR-JP080 Stunning Upset 「大番狂わせ」ANPR-EN000 XX-Saber Gardestrike (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN001 Kuribon (Rare)ANPR-EN002 Sunny Pixie (Common)ANPR-EN003 Sunlight Unicorn (Common)ANPR-EN004 Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield (Common)ANPR-EN005 Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN006 Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain (Common)ANPR-EN007 Morphtronic Magnen Bar (Common)ANPR-EN008 Jester Lord (Rare)ANPR-EN009 Jester Confit (Super Rare)ANPR-EN010 Fortune Lady Light (Rare)ANPR-EN011 Fortune Lady Fire (Rare)ANPR-EN012 Infernity Beast (Common)ANPR-EN013 Darksea Rescue (Rare)ANPR-EN014 Darksea Float (Common)ANPR-EN015 Turbo Rocket (Rare)ANPR-EN016 Earthbound Immortal Cusillu (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN017 Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN018 Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (Common)ANPR-EN019 Koa'ki Meiru Crusader (Super Rare)ANPR-EN020 Koa'ki Meiru Speeder (Rare)ANPR-EN021 Koa'ki Meiru Tornado (Rare)ANPR-EN022 Koa'ki Meiru Hydro Barrier (Common)ANPR-EN023 Scary Moth (Common)ANPR-EN024 Shiny Black "C" (Common)ANPR-EN025 Armed Sea Hunter (Common)ANPR-EN026 Divine Dragon Aquabizarre (Common)ANPR-EN027 Fishborg Blaster (Common)ANPR-EN028 Shark Cruiser (Common)ANPR-EN029 Armored Axon Kicker (Common)ANPR-EN030 Genetic Woman (Common)ANPR-EN031 Magicat (Rare)ANPR-EN032 Cyborg Doctor (Common)ANPR-EN033 White Potan (Common)ANPR-EN034 Minefieldriller (Super Rare)ANPR-EN035 XX-Saber Faultroll (Super Rare)ANPR-EN036 XX-Saber Ragigura (Common)ANPR-EN037 Flamvell Firedog (Rare)ANPR-EN038 Ancient Crimson Ape (Common)ANPR-EN039 Falchionβ (Rare)ANPR-EN040 Ancient Fairy Dragon (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Ghost Rare)ANPR-EN041 Turbo Cannon (Super Rare)ANPR-EN042 Archfiend Zombie-Skull (Super Rare)ANPR-EN043 Ancient Sacred Wyvern (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN044 XX-Saber Gottoms (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN045 Release Restraint Wave (Common)ANPR-EN046 Silver Wing (Common)ANPR-EN047 Advance Draw (Common)ANPR-EN048 Ancient Forest (Super Rare)ANPR-EN049 Emergency Assistance (Common)ANPR-EN050 Spirit Burner (Common)ANPR-EN051 Future Visions (Super Rare)ANPR-EN052 Core Compression (Super Rare)ANPR-EN053 Core Blaster (Common)ANPR-EN054 Solidarity (Rare)ANPR-EN055 Hydro Pressure Cannon (Common)ANPR-EN056 Water Hazard (Common)ANPR-EN057 Brain Research Lab (Common)ANPR-EN058 Saber Slash (Super Rare)ANPR-EN059 Sword of Sparkles (Common)ANPR-EN060 Rekindling (Common)ANPR-EN061 Ancient Leaf (Common)ANPR-EN062 Fossil Dig (Common)ANPR-EN063 Skill Successor (Super Rare)ANPR-EN064 Reinforce Truth (Rare)ANPR-EN065 Pixie Ring (Common)ANPR-EN066 Fairy Wind (Common)ANPR-EN067 Imperial Custom (Common)ANPR-EN068 Discord (Super Rare)ANPR-EN069 Slip of Fortune (Common)ANPR-EN070 Depth Amulet (Common)ANPR-EN071 Damage Translation (Common)ANPR-EN072 Battle Teleportation (Common)ANPR-EN073 Core Reinforcement (Rare)ANPR-EN074 Iron Core Luster (Common)ANPR-EN075 Battle of the Elements (Common)ANPR-EN076 Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord (Common)ANPR-EN077 Psychic Soul (Common)ANPR-EN078 Flamvell Counter (Common)ANPR-EN079 At One With the Sword (Common)ANPR-EN080 A Major Upset (Common)ANPR-EN081 XX-Saber Fulhelmknight (Rare)ANPR-EN082 Koa'ki Meiru Ghoulungulate (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN083 Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN084 Psychic Emperor (Rare)ANPR-EN085 Card Guard (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN086 Flamvell Commando (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN087 Pseudo Space (Rare)ANPR-EN088 Greed Grado (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN089 Revival of the Immortals (Super Rare)ANPR-EN090 Arcana Knight Joker (Rare)ANPR-EN091 Armityle the Chaos Phantom (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN092 White Night Dragon (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN093 Card Blocker (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN094 Gaia Plate the Earth Giant (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN095 Sauropod Brachion (Rare)ANPR-EN096 Gaap the Divine Soldier (Rare)ANPR-EN097 Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür (Super Rare)ANPR-EN098 Kasha (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN099 Elemental Hero Gaia (Secret Rare)ANPR-JP001 Kuribon 「クリボン」 (Rare)ANPR-JP002 Sunny Pixie 「サニー・ピクシー」ANPR-JP003 Sunlight Unicorn 「サンライト・ユニコーン」ANPR-JP004 Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield 「BF-銀盾のミストラル」ANPR-JP005 Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor 「BF-大旆のヴァーユ」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP006 Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain 「BF-鉄鎖のフェーン」ANPR-JP007 Morphtronic Magnen Bar 「D・マグネンI」ANPR-JP008 Jester Lord 「ジェスター・ロード」ANPR-JP009 Jester Confit 「ジェスター・コンフィ」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP010 Fortune Lady Light 「フォーチュンレディ・ライティー」 (Rare)ANPR-JP011 Fortune Lady Fire 「フォーチュンレディ・ファイリー」 (Rare)ANPR-JP012 Infernity Beast 「インフェルニティ・ビースト」ANPR-JP013 Darksea Rescue 「ダークシー・レスキュー」ANPR-JP014 Darksea Float 「ダークシー・フロート」ANPR-JP015 Turbo Rocket 「ワンショット・ロケット」(Rare)ANPR-JP016 Earthbound Immortal Cusillu 「地縛神 Cusillu」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-JP017 Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua 「地(じ)縛(ばく)神(しん)Chacu(チャク)Challhua(チャルア)」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-JP018 Koa'ki Meiru Boulder 「コアキメイル・ロック」ANPR-JP019 Koa'ki Meiru Crusader 「コアキメイル・クルセイダー」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP020 Koa'ki Meiru Speeder 「コアキメイル・スピード」ANPR-JP021 Koa'ki Meiru Tornado 「コアキメイル・トルネード」 (Rare)ANPR-JP022 Koa'ki Meiru Hydro Barrier 「コアキメイル・フルバリア」 (Rare)ANPR-JP023 Scary Moth 「スケイルモース」ANPR-JP024 Shiny Black "C"「黒光りするG」ANPR-JP025 Armed Sea Hunter 「アームズ・シーハンター」ANPR-JP026 Divine Dragon Aquabizarre 「神竜アクアバザル」ANPR-JP027 Fishborg Gunner 「フィッシュボーグ-ガンナー」ANPR-JP028 Shark Cruiser 「シャーク・ザ・クルー」ANPR-JP029 Armored Axon Kicker 「アーマード・サイキッカー」ANPR-JP030 Genetic Woman 「ジェネティック・ウーマン」ANPR-JP031 Magicat 「マジキャット」 (Rare)ANPR-JP032 Cyborg Doctor 「サイボーグドクター」 (Rare)ANPR-JP033 White Botan 「ホワイトボータン」ANPR-JP034 Minefieldriller 「マインフィールド」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP035 XX-Saber Faultroll 「XX-セイバー フォルトロール」ANPR-JP036 XX-Saber Ragigura 「XX-セイバー レイジグラ」ANPR-JP037 Flamvell Firedog 「フレムベル・ヘルドッグ」 (Rare)ANPR-JP038 Ancient Crimson Ape 「エンシェント・クリムゾン・エイプ」ANPR-JP039 Falchionβ 「ファルシオンβ」 (Rare)ANPR-JP040 Ancient Fairy Dragon 「エンシェント・フェアリー・ドラゴン」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Holographic Rare)ANPR-JP041 Turbo Cannon 「ワンショット・キャノン」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP042 Archfiend Zombie-Skull 「アンデット・スカル・デーモン」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)"ANPR-JP043 Ancient Sacred Wyvern 「エンシェント・ホーリー・ワイバーン」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP044 XX-Saber Gottoms 「XX-セイバー ガトムズ」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)"ANPR-JP045 Release Restraint Wave 「拘束解放波」 (Rare)ANPR-JP046 Silver Wing 「白銀の翼」ANPR-JP047 Advance Draw 「アドバンスドロー」ANPR-JP048 Ancient Forest 「古の森」 (Rare)ANPR-JP049 Emergency Assistance 「救急救命」ANPR-JP050 Spirit Burner 「スピリット・バーナー」ANPR-JP051 Future Visions 「フューチャー・ヴィジョン」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP052 Core Compression 「コア濃度圧縮」 (Rare)ANPR-JP053 Core Blaster 「コアバスター」ANPR-JP054 Solidarity 「一族の結束」ANPR-JP055 Hydro Pressure Cannon 「ハイドロプレッシャーカノン」ANPR-JP056 Water Hazard 「ウォーターハザード」 (Rare)ANPR-JP057 Brain Research Lab 「脳開発研究所」ANPR-JP058 Saber Slash 「セイバー・スラッシュ」ANPR-JP059 Sword of Sparkles 「剣の煌き」ANPR-JP060 Rekindling 「真炎の爆発」ANPR-JP061 Ancient Leaf 「エンシェント・リーフ」ANPR-JP062 Fossil Dig 「化石調査」ANPR-JP063 Skill Successor 「スキル・サクセサー」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP064 Truth Reinforce 「トゥルース・リインフォース」 (Rare)ANPR-JP065 Pixie Ring 「ガリトラップ−ピクシーの輪−」ANPR-JP066 Fairy Wind 「妖精の風」 (Rare)ANPR-JP067 Imperial Custom 「宮廷のしきたり」ANPR-JP068 Discord 「不協和音」 (Super Rare)ANPR-JP069 Slip of Fortune 「フォーチュン・スリップ」 (Rare)ANPR-JP070 Depth Amulet 「デプス・アミュレット」ANPR-JP071 Damage Translation 「ダメージ・トランスレーション」ANPR-JP072 Battle Teleportation 「バトル・テレポーテーション」ANPR-JP073 Core Reinforcement 「コアの再練成」ANPR-JP074 Iron Core Luster 「鋼核の輝き」 (Rare)ANPR-JP075 Battle of the Elements 「異種闘争」ANPR-JP076 Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord 「海竜神の加護」ANPR-JP077 Psychic Soul 「サイコ・ソウル」ANPR-JP078 Flamvell Counter 「フレムベルカウンター」ANPR-JP079 At One With the Sword 「身剣一体」ANPR-JP080 Stunning UpsetANPR-EN000 XX-Saber Gardestrike (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN001 Kuribon (Rare)ANPR-EN002 Sunny Pixie (Common)ANPR-EN003 Sunlight Unicorn (Common)ANPR-EN004 Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield (Common)ANPR-EN005 Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN006 Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain (Common)ANPR-EN007 Morphtronic Magnen Bar (Common)ANPR-EN008 Jester Lord (Rare)ANPR-EN009 Jester Confit (Super Rare)ANPR-EN010 Fortune Lady Light (Rare)ANPR-EN011 Fortune Lady Fire (Rare)ANPR-EN012 Infernity Beast (Common)ANPR-EN013 Darksea Rescue (Rare)ANPR-EN014 Darksea Float (Common)ANPR-EN015 Turbo Rocket (Rare)ANPR-EN016 Earthbound Immortal Cusillu (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN017 Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN018 Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (Common)ANPR-EN019 Koa'ki Meiru Crusader (Super Rare)ANPR-EN020 Koa'ki Meiru Speeder (Rare)ANPR-EN021 Koa'ki Meiru Tornado (Rare)ANPR-EN022 Koa'ki Meiru Hydro Barrier (Common)ANPR-EN023 Scary Moth (Common)ANPR-EN024 Shiny Black "C" (Common)ANPR-EN025 Armed Sea Hunter (Common)ANPR-EN026 Divine Dragon Aquabizarre (Common)ANPR-EN027 Fishborg Blaster (Common)ANPR-EN028 Shark Cruiser (Common)ANPR-EN029 Armored Axon Kicker (Common)ANPR-EN030 Genetic Woman (Common)ANPR-EN031 Magicat (Rare)ANPR-EN032 Cyborg Doctor (Common)ANPR-EN033 White Potan (Common)ANPR-EN034 Minefieldriller (Super Rare)ANPR-EN035 XX-Saber Faultroll (Super Rare)ANPR-EN036 XX-Saber Ragigura (Common)ANPR-EN037 Flamvell Firedog (Rare)ANPR-EN038 Ancient Crimson Ape (Common)ANPR-EN039 Falchionβ (Rare)ANPR-EN040 Ancient Fairy Dragon (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Ghost Rare)ANPR-EN041 Turbo Cannon (Super Rare)ANPR-EN042 Archfiend Zombie-Skull (Super Rare)ANPR-EN043 Ancient Sacred Wyvern (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN044 XX-Saber Gottoms (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN045 Release Restraint Wave (Common)ANPR-EN046 Silver Wing (Common)ANPR-EN047 Advance Draw (Common)ANPR-EN048 Ancient Forest (Super Rare)ANPR-EN049 Emergency Assistance (Common)ANPR-EN050 Spirit Burner (Common)ANPR-EN051 Future Visions (Super Rare)ANPR-EN052 Core Compression (Super Rare)ANPR-EN053 Core Blaster (Common)ANPR-EN054 Solidarity (Rare)ANPR-EN055 Hydro Pressure Cannon (Common)ANPR-EN056 Water Hazard (Common)ANPR-EN057 Brain Research Lab (Common)ANPR-EN058 Saber Slash (Super Rare)ANPR-EN059 Sword of Sparkles (Common)ANPR-EN060 Rekindling (Common)ANPR-EN061 Ancient Leaf (Common)ANPR-EN062 Fossil Dig (Common)ANPR-EN063 Skill Successor (Super Rare)ANPR-EN064 Reinforce Truth (Rare)ANPR-EN065 Pixie Ring (Common)ANPR-EN066 Fairy Wind (Common)ANPR-EN067 Imperial Custom (Common)ANPR-EN068 Discord (Super Rare)ANPR-EN069 Slip of Fortune (Common)ANPR-EN070 Depth Amulet (Common)ANPR-EN071 Damage Translation (Common)ANPR-EN072 Battle Teleportation (Common)ANPR-EN073 Core Reinforcement (Rare)ANPR-EN074 Iron Core Luster (Common)ANPR-EN075 Battle of the Elements (Common)ANPR-EN076 Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord (Common)ANPR-EN077 Psychic Soul (Common)ANPR-EN078 Flamvell Counter (Common)ANPR-EN079 At One With the Sword (Common)ANPR-EN080 A Major Upset (Common)ANPR-EN081 XX-Saber Fulhelmknight (Rare)ANPR-EN082 Koa'ki Meiru Ghoulungulate (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN083 Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN084 Psychic Emperor (Rare)ANPR-EN085 Card Guard (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN086 Flamvell Commando (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN087 Pseudo Space (Rare)ANPR-EN088 Greed Grado (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN089 Revival of the Immortals (Super Rare)ANPR-EN090 Arcana Knight Joker (Rare)ANPR-EN091 Armityle the Chaos Phantom (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN092 White Night Dragon (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN093 Card Blocker (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN094 Gaia Plate the Earth Giant (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)ANPR-EN095 Sauropod Brachion (Rare)ANPR-EN096 Gaap the Divine Soldier (Rare)ANPR-EN097 Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür (Super Rare)ANPR-EN098 Kasha (Secret Rare)ANPR-EN099 Elemental Hero Gaia (Secret Rare)leo'sRGBT-JP001 Rockstone Warrior 「ロックストーン・ウォリアー」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP002 Level Warrior 「レベル・ウォリアー」 (Rare)RGBT-JP003 Strong Wind Dragon 「ストロング・ウィンド・ドラゴン」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP004 Dark Verger 「ダーク・ヴァージャー」 (Rare)RGBT-JP005 Phoenixian Seed 「フェニキシアン・シード」RGBT-JP006 Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis 「フェニキシアン・クラスター・アマリリス」RGBT-JP007 Rose Tentacles 「ローズ・テンタクルス」RGBT-JP008 Hedge Guard 「憎悪の棘」RGBT-JP009 Evil Thorn 「イービル・ソーン」RGBT-JP010 Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North 「BF-極北のブリザード」RGBT-JP011 Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame 「BF-蒼炎のシュラ」RGBT-JP012 Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow 「BF-月影のカルート」RGBT-JP013 Blackwing - Elphin the Raven 「BF-漆黒のエルフェン」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP014 Morphtronic Remoten 「D(ディフォーマー)・リモコン」 (Rare)RGBT-JP015 Morphtronic Videon 「D(ディフォーマー)・ビデオン」RGBT-JP016 Morphtronic Scopen 「D・スコープン」RGBT-JP017 Gadget Arms 「ガジェット・アームズ」RGBT-JP018 Torapart 「トラパート」 (Rare)RGBT-JP019 Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu 「地(じ)縛(ばく)神(しん) Aslla piscu(アスラ・ピスク)」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-JP020 Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu 「地(じ)縛(ばく)神(しん) Ccapac Apu(コカパク・アプ)」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-JP021 Koa'ki Meiru Valafar 「コアキメイル・ヴァラファール」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP022 Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand 「コアキメイル・パワーハンド」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP023 Koa'ki Meiru Guardian 「コアキメイル・ガーディアン」RGBT-JP024 Koa'ki Meiru Drago 「コアキメイル・ドラゴ」RGBT-JP025 Koa'ki Meiru Ice 「コアキメイル・アイス」 (Rare)RGBT-JP026 Koa'ki Meiru Doom「コアキメイル・デビル」RGBT-JP027 Brain Golem 「ゴーレム」 (Rare)RGBT-JP028 Minoan Centaur 「ミノケンサテュロス」RGBT-JP029 Reinforced Human Psychic Borg 「強化人類サイコ」RGBT-JP030 Master Gig 「 マスター・ジーグ」RGBT-JP031 Emissary from Pandemonium 「地獄からの使い」RGBT-JP032 Gigastone Omega 「ギガストーン・オメガ」RGBT-JP033 Alien Dog 「エーリアン・ドッグ」RGBT-JP034 Spined Gillman 「 ニードル・ギルマン」RGBT-JP035 Deep Sea Diva 「深海のディーヴァ」 (Rare)RGBT-JP036 Mermaid Archer 「シー・アーチャー」RGBT-JP037 Lava Dragon 「ラヴァ・ドラゴン」RGBT-JP038 Vanguard of the Dragon 「竜の尖兵」RGBT-JP039 G.B. Hunter 「G(ジー)・B(ビー)・ハンター」RGBT-JP040 Exploder Dragonwing 「エクスプロード・ウイング・ドラゴン」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-JP041 Blackwing Armed Wing 「BF-アームズ•ウィング」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP042 Power Tool Dragon 「パワー・ツール・ドラゴン」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Holographic Rare)RGBT-JP043 Trident Dragion 「トライデント・ドラギオン」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)'RGBT-JP044 Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon 「神海竜ギシルノドン」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP045 One for One 「ワン・フォー・ワン」 (Rare)RGBT-JP046 Mind Trust 「トラストマインド 」RGBT-JP047 Thorn of Malice 「憎悪の棘」RGBT-JP048 Magic Planter 「マジック・プランター」 (Rare)RGBT-JP049 Wonder Clover 「ワンダー・クローバー」 (Rare)RGBT-JP050 Against the Wind 「アゲインスト・ウィンド」RGBT-JP051 Black Whirlwind 「黒い旋風」RGBT-JP052 Junk Box 「ジャンクBOX 」 (Rare)RGBT-JP053 Double Tool C&D 「ダブルツールD(ディー)&(アンド)C(シー)」RGBT-JP054 Morphtronic Repair Unit 「D・リペアユニット」 (Rare)RGBT-JP055 Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru 「コアキメイルの鋼核」 (Rare)RGBT-JP056 Iron Core Immediate Disposal 「緊急鋼核処分」RGBT-JP057 Urgent Synthesis 「緊急合成」RGBT-JP058 Psychic Path 「サイコパス」RGBT-JP059 Natural Tune 「ナチュラル・チューン」RGBT-JP060 Supremacy Berry 「至高の木の実(スプレマシー・ベリー)」RGBT-JP061 Forbidden Chalice 「禁じられた聖杯」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP062 Calming Magic 「カーム・マジック」 (Rare)RGBT-JP063 Miracle Locus 「奇跡の軌跡」RGBT-JP064 Crimson Fire 「クリムゾン・ヘルフレア」RGBT-JP065 Tuner Capture 「チューナー・キャプチャー」RGBT-JP066 Overdoom Line 「オーバー・デッド・ライン」RGBT-JP067 Wicked Rebirth 「ウィキッド・リボーン」RGBT-JP068 Delta Crow - Anti Reverse 「デルタ・クロウ-アンチ・リバース」 (Rare)RGBT-JP069 Level Retuner 「レベル・リチューナー」RGBT-JP070 Fake Feather 「フェイク・フェザー」RGBT-JP071 Trap Stun 「トラップ・スタン」 (Rare)RGBT-JP072 Morphtronic Bind 「D・バインド」RGBT-JP073 Reckoned Power 「レクリスパワー」RGBT-JP074 Automatic Laser 「オートマチック・レーザー」RGBT-JP075 Attack of the Cornered Rat 「窮鼠の進撃」RGBT-JP076 Proof of Powerlessness 「無力の証明」RGBT-JP077 Bone Temple Block 「ボーン・テンプル・ブロック」RGBT-JP078 Grave of the Super Ancient Organism 「超古代生物の墓地」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP079 Swallow Flip 「ツバメ返し」 (Rare)RGBT-JP080 Mirror of Oaths 「呪言の鏡」RGBT-EN000 Battlestorm (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN001 Rockstone Warrior (Super Rare)RGBT-EN002 Level Warrior (Super Rare)RGBT-EN003 Strong Wind Dragon (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN004 Dark Verger (Rare)RGBT-EN005 Phoenixian Seed (Common)RGBT-EN006 Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis (Super Rare)RGBT-EN007 Rose Tentacles (Common)RGBT-EN008 Hedge Guard (Common)RGBT-EN009 Evil Thorn (Common)RGBT-EN010 Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North (Rare)RGBT-EN011 Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame (Common)RGBT-EN012 Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow (Common)RGBT-EN013 Blackwing - Elphin the Raven (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN014 Morphtronic Remoten (Rare)RGBT-EN015 Morphtronic Videon (Common)RGBT-EN016 Morphtronic Scopen (Common)RGBT-EN017 Gadget Arms (Common)RGBT-EN018 Torapart (Rare)RGBT-EN019 Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN020 Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN021 Koa'ki Meiru Valafar (Super Rare)RGBT-EN022 Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand (Super Rare)RGBT-EN023 Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (Common)RGBT-EN024 Koa'ki Meiru Drago (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN025 Koa'ki Meiru Ice (Rare)RGBT-EN026 Koa'ki Meiru Doom (Common)RGBT-EN027 Brain Golem (Rare)RGBT-EN028 Minoan Centaur (Common)RGBT-EN029 Reinforced Human Psychic Borg (Super Rare)RGBT-EN030 Master Gig (Common)RGBT-EN031 Emissary from Pandemonium (Common)RGBT-EN032 Gigastone Omega (Common)RGBT-EN033 Alien Dog (Common)RGBT-EN034 Spined Gillman (Common)RGBT-EN035 Deep Sea Diva (Rare)RGBT-EN036 Mermaid Archer (Common)RGBT-EN037 Lava Dragon (Common)RGBT-EN038 Vanguard of the Dragon (Common)RGBT-EN039 G.B. Hunter (Common)RGBT-EN040 Exploder Dragonwing (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN041 Blackwing Armed Wing (Super Rare)RGBT-EN042 Power Tool Dragon (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Ghost Rare)RGBT-EN043 Trident Dragion (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN044 Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon (Super Rare)RGBT-EN045 One for One (Rare)RGBT-EN046 Mind Trust (Common)RGBT-EN047 Thorn of Malice (Common)RGBT-EN048 Magic Planter (Super Rare)RGBT-EN049 Wonder Clover (Common)RGBT-EN050 Against the Wind (Rare)RGBT-EN051 Black Whirlwind (Common)RGBT-EN052 Junk Box (Common)RGBT-EN053 Double Tool C&D (Common)RGBT-EN054 Morphtronic Repair Unit (Common)RGBT-EN055 Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru (Rare)RGBT-EN056 Iron Core Immediate Disposal (Common)RGBT-EN057 Urgent Synthesis (Common)RGBT-EN058 Psychic Path (Common)RGBT-EN059 Natural Tune (Common)RGBT-EN060 Supremacy Berry (Common)RGBT-EN061 Forbidden Chalice (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN062 Calming Magic (Rare)RGBT-EN063 Miracle Locus (Common)RGBT-EN064 Crimson Fire (Common)RGBT-EN065 Tuner Capture (Common)RGBT-EN066 Overdoom Line (Common)RGBT-EN067 Wicked Rebirth (Common)RGBT-EN068 Delta Crow - Anti Reverse (Super Rare)RGBT-EN069 Level Retuner (Common)RGBT-EN070 Fake Feather (Common)RGBT-EN071 Trap Stun (Common)RGBT-EN072 Morphtronic Bind (Common)RGBT-EN073 Reckoned Power (Common)RGBT-EN074 Automatic Laser (Common)RGBT-EN075 Attack of the Cornered Rat (Common)RGBT-EN076 Proof of Powerlessness (Common)RGBT-EN077 Bone Temple Block (Common)RGBT-EN078 Grave of the Super Ancient Organism (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN079 Swallow Flip (Super Rare)RGBT-EN080 Mirror of Oaths (Common)RGBT-EN081 Koa'ki Meiru War Arms (Super Rare)RGBT-EN082 Immortal Ruler (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN083 Hardened Armed Dragon (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN084 Moja (Rare)RGBT-EN085 Beast Striker (Super Rare)RGBT-EN086 King of the Beasts (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN087 Swallow's Nest (Super Rare)RGBT-EN088 Overwhelm (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN089 Berserking (Rare)RGBT-EN090 Spell of Pain (Rare)RGBT-EN091 Light End Dragon (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN092 Chaos-End Master (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN093 Sphere of Chaos (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN094 Snowman Eater (Rare)RGBT-EN095 Tree Otter (Rare)RGBT-EN096 Ojama Red (Rare)RGBT-EN097 Ojama Blue (Rare)RGBT-EN098 Ojama Country (Rare)RGBT-EN099 Emperor Sem (Rare)RGBT-JP001 Rockstone Warrior 「ロックストーン・ウォリアー」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP002 Level Warrior 「レベル・ウォリアー」 (Rare)RGBT-JP003 Strong Wind Dragon 「ストロング・ウィンド・ドラゴン」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP004 Dark Verger 「ダーク・ヴァージャー」 (Rare)RGBT-JP005 Phoenixian Seed 「フェニキシアン・シード」RGBT-JP006 Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis 「フェニキシアン・クラスター・アマリリス」RGBT-JP007 Rose Tentacles 「ローズ・テンタクルス」RGBT-JP008 Hedge Guard 「憎悪の棘」RGBT-JP009 Evil Thorn 「イービル・ソーン」RGBT-JP010 Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North 「BF-極北のブリザード」RGBT-JP011 Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame 「BF-蒼炎のシュラ」RGBT-JP012 Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow 「BF-月影のカルート」RGBT-JP013 Blackwing - Elphin the Raven 「BF-漆黒のエルフェン」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP014 Morphtronic Remoten 「D(ディフォーマー)・リモコン」 (Rare)RGBT-JP015 Morphtronic Videon 「D(ディフォーマー)・ビデオン」RGBT-JP016 Morphtronic Scopen 「D・スコープン」RGBT-JP017 Gadget Arms 「ガジェット・アームズ」RGBT-JP018 Torapart 「トラパート」 (Rare)RGBT-JP019 Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu 「地(じ)縛(ばく)神(しん) Aslla piscu(アスラ・ピスク)」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-JP020 Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu 「地(じ)縛(ばく)神(しん) Ccapac Apu(コカパク・アプ)」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-JP021 Koa'ki Meiru Valafar 「コアキメイル・ヴァラファール」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP022 Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand 「コアキメイル・パワーハンド」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP023 Koa'ki Meiru Guardian 「コアキメイル・ガーディアン」RGBT-JP024 Koa'ki Meiru Drago 「コアキメイル・ドラゴ」RGBT-JP025 Koa'ki Meiru Ice 「コアキメイル・アイス」 (Rare)RGBT-JP026 Koa'ki Meiru Doom「コアキメイル・デビル」RGBT-JP027 Brain Golem 「ゴーレム」 (Rare)RGBT-JP028 Minoan Centaur 「ミノケンサテュロス」RGBT-JP029 Reinforced Human Psychic Borg 「強化人類サイコ」RGBT-JP030 Master Gig 「 マスター・ジーグ」RGBT-JP031 Emissary from Pandemonium 「地獄からの使い」RGBT-JP032 Gigastone Omega 「ギガストーン・オメガ」RGBT-JP033 Alien Dog 「エーリアン・ドッグ」RGBT-JP034 Spined Gillman 「 ニードル・ギルマン」RGBT-JP035 Deep Sea Diva 「深海のディーヴァ」 (Rare)RGBT-JP036 Mermaid Archer 「シー・アーチャー」RGBT-JP037 Lava Dragon 「ラヴァ・ドラゴン」RGBT-JP038 Vanguard of the Dragon 「竜の尖兵」RGBT-JP039 G.B. Hunter 「G(ジー)・B(ビー)・ハンター」RGBT-JP040 Exploder Dragonwing 「エクスプロード・ウイング・ドラゴン」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-JP041 Blackwing Armed Wing 「BF-アームズ•ウィング」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP042 Power Tool Dragon 「パワー・ツール・ドラゴン」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Holographic Rare)RGBT-JP043 Trident Dragion 「トライデント・ドラギオン」 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)'RGBT-JP044 Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon 「神海竜ギシルノドン」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP045 One for One 「ワン・フォー・ワン」 (Rare)RGBT-JP046 Mind Trust 「トラストマインド 」RGBT-JP047 Thorn of Malice 「憎悪の棘」RGBT-JP048 Magic Planter 「マジック・プランター」 (Rare)RGBT-JP049 Wonder Clover 「ワンダー・クローバー」 (Rare)RGBT-JP050 Against the Wind 「アゲインスト・ウィンド」RGBT-JP051 Black Whirlwind 「黒い旋風」RGBT-JP052 Junk Box 「ジャンクBOX 」 (Rare)RGBT-JP053 Double Tool C&D 「ダブルツールD(ディー)&(アンド)C(シー)」RGBT-JP054 Morphtronic Repair Unit 「D・リペアユニット」 (Rare)RGBT-JP055 Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru 「コアキメイルの鋼核」 (Rare)RGBT-JP056 Iron Core Immediate Disposal 「緊急鋼核処分」RGBT-JP057 Urgent Synthesis 「緊急合成」RGBT-JP058 Psychic Path 「サイコパス」RGBT-JP059 Natural Tune 「ナチュラル・チューン」RGBT-JP060 Supremacy Berry 「至高の木の実(スプレマシー・ベリー)」RGBT-JP061 Forbidden Chalice 「禁じられた聖杯」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP062 Calming Magic 「カーム・マジック」 (Rare)RGBT-JP063 Miracle Locus 「奇跡の軌跡」RGBT-JP064 Crimson Fire 「クリムゾン・ヘルフレア」RGBT-JP065 Tuner Capture 「チューナー・キャプチャー」RGBT-JP066 Overdoom Line 「オーバー・デッド・ライン」RGBT-JP067 Wicked Rebirth 「ウィキッド・リボーン」RGBT-JP068 Delta Crow - Anti Reverse 「デルタ・クロウ-アンチ・リバース」 (Rare)RGBT-JP069 Level Retuner 「レベル・リチューナー」RGBT-JP070 Fake Feather 「フェイク・フェザー」RGBT-JP071 Trap Stun 「トラップ・スタン」 (Rare)RGBT-JP072 Morphtronic Bind 「D・バインド」RGBT-JP073 Reckoned Power 「レクリスパワー」RGBT-JP074 Automatic Laser 「オートマチック・レーザー」RGBT-JP075 Attack of the Cornered Rat 「窮鼠の進撃」RGBT-JP076 Proof of Powerlessness 「無力の証明」RGBT-JP077 Bone Temple Block 「ボーン・テンプル・ブロック」RGBT-JP078 Grave of the Super Ancient Organism 「超古代生物の墓地」 (Super Rare)RGBT-JP079 Swallow Flip 「ツバメ返し」 (Rare)RGBT-JP080 Mirror of Oaths 「呪言の鏡」RGBT-EN000 Battlestorm (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN001 Rockstone Warrior (Super Rare)RGBT-EN002 Level Warrior (Super Rare)RGBT-EN003 Strong Wind Dragon (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN004 Dark Verger (Rare)RGBT-EN005 Phoenixian Seed (Common)RGBT-EN006 Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis (Super Rare)RGBT-EN007 Rose Tentacles (Common)RGBT-EN008 Hedge Guard (Common)RGBT-EN009 Evil Thorn (Common)RGBT-EN010 Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North (Rare)RGBT-EN011 Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame (Common)RGBT-EN012 Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow (Common)RGBT-EN013 Blackwing - Elphin the Raven (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN014 Morphtronic Remoten (Rare)RGBT-EN015 Morphtronic Videon (Common)RGBT-EN016 Morphtronic Scopen (Common)RGBT-EN017 Gadget Arms (Common)RGBT-EN018 Torapart (Rare)RGBT-EN019 Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN020 Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN021 Koa'ki Meiru Valafar (Super Rare)RGBT-EN022 Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand (Super Rare)RGBT-EN023 Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (Common)RGBT-EN024 Koa'ki Meiru Drago (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN025 Koa'ki Meiru Ice (Rare)RGBT-EN026 Koa'ki Meiru Doom (Common)RGBT-EN027 Brain Golem (Rare)RGBT-EN028 Minoan Centaur (Common)RGBT-EN029 Reinforced Human Psychic Borg (Super Rare)RGBT-EN030 Master Gig (Common)RGBT-EN031 Emissary from Pandemonium (Common)RGBT-EN032 Gigastone Omega (Common)RGBT-EN033 Alien Dog (Common)RGBT-EN034 Spined Gillman (Common)RGBT-EN035 Deep Sea Diva (Rare)RGBT-EN036 Mermaid Archer (Common)RGBT-EN037 Lava Dragon (Common)RGBT-EN038 Vanguard of the Dragon (Common)RGBT-EN039 G.B. Hunter (Common)RGBT-EN040 Exploder Dragonwing (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN041 Blackwing Armed Wing (Super Rare)RGBT-EN042 Power Tool Dragon (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Ghost Rare)RGBT-EN043 Trident Dragion (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN044 Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon (Super Rare)RGBT-EN045 One for One (Rare)RGBT-EN046 Mind Trust (Common)RGBT-EN047 Thorn of Malice (Common)RGBT-EN048 Magic Planter (Super Rare)RGBT-EN049 Wonder Clover (Common)RGBT-EN050 Against the Wind (Rare)RGBT-EN051 Black Whirlwind (Common)RGBT-EN052 Junk Box (Common)RGBT-EN053 Double Tool C&D (Common)RGBT-EN054 Morphtronic Repair Unit (Common)RGBT-EN055 Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru (Rare)RGBT-EN056 Iron Core Immediate Disposal (Common)RGBT-EN057 Urgent Synthesis (Common)RGBT-EN058 Psychic Path (Common)RGBT-EN059 Natural Tune (Common)RGBT-EN060 Supremacy Berry (Common)RGBT-EN061 Forbidden Chalice (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN062 Calming Magic (Rare)RGBT-EN063 Miracle Locus (Common)RGBT-EN064 Crimson Fire (Common)RGBT-EN065 Tuner Capture (Common)RGBT-EN066 Overdoom Line (Common)RGBT-EN067 Wicked Rebirth (Common)RGBT-EN068 Delta Crow - Anti Reverse (Super Rare)RGBT-EN069 Level Retuner (Common)RGBT-EN070 Fake Feather (Common)RGBT-EN071 Trap Stun (Common)RGBT-EN072 Morphtronic Bind (Common)RGBT-EN073 Reckoned Power (Common)RGBT-EN074 Automatic Laser (Common)RGBT-EN075 Attack of the Cornered Rat (Common)RGBT-EN076 Proof of Powerlessness (Common)RGBT-EN077 Bone Temple Block (Common)RGBT-EN078 Grave of the Super Ancient Organism (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)RGBT-EN079 Swallow Flip (Super Rare)RGBT-EN080 Mirror of Oaths (Common)RGBT-EN081 Koa'ki Meiru War Arms (Super Rare)RGBT-EN082 Immortal Ruler (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN083 Hardened Armed Dragon (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN084 Moja (Rare)RGBT-EN085 Beast Striker (Super Rare)RGBT-EN086 King of the Beasts (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN087 Swallow's Nest (Super Rare)RGBT-EN088 Overwhelm (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN089 Berserking (Rare)RGBT-EN090 Spell of Pain (Rare)RGBT-EN091 Light End Dragon (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN092 Chaos-End Master (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN093 Sphere of Chaos (Secret Rare)RGBT-EN094 Snowman Eater (Rare)RGBT-EN095 Tree Otter (Rare)RGBT-EN096 Ojama Red (Rare)RGBT-EN097 Ojama Blue (Rare)RGBT-EN098 Ojama Country (Rare)RGBT-EN099 Emperor Sem (Rare