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The only episode that I remember them dancing in was the episode that was titled "The Ghost at Maiden's Peak" but pretty much everyone was dancing in that episode.

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Q: What Pokemon episode does Misty and Ash dance?
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When does misty and ash dance in Pokemon?

I think you ment Brock, that was the episode when they meet Bill and they go in the lighthouse and meet a strange pokemon It's called 'Mystery in the Lighthouse'. Not that I love BrockXMisty, but they did dance, and Misty and Ash never did.

What episode misty sings to ash Pokemon?

episode 39.5

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misty does like ash but no one in Pokemon

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In Pokemon do Ash and MIsty love each other?

Yes, MIsty loves Ash. MIsty belongs to Ash. Remember in the Pokemon episode "Heartbreak of Brock" MIsty said to Ash "someday you and I will be married". You know that Misty and Brock are Ash's good friends along with his Pikachu.

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No, Misty never kisses Ash in any of the Pokémon episodes.

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try the Pokemon episode gotta catch ya later in the end when ash misty and brock were seprating in misty's flashback the series is called Pokemon masterquest

Is there an episode in Pokemon in which Misty saves Ash from drowning?

Yes, but it is not an episode, it is the movie Pokemon 2000 (at the end)

What episode of Pokemon does misty pull ash out of the water with a rod?

episode 2 *kuma*

What episode of Pokemon did misty give ash a valentine card?

She didn't.