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Butterfree, Venonat, Yanma, Nincada

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12y ago

Nincada, Butterfree, Yanma, and Venonat.

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12y ago

Nincada, Butterfree, Yanma, and Venonat.

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11y ago

Butterfree, Venonat, Yanma and, Nincada

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Q: What Pokemon have the compundeyes ability?
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What is the Pokemon ability vital spirit?

The ability 'Vital Spirit' is an ability that prevents the pokemon with that ability to fall asleep. It is similiar to the ability 'Insomnia'.

Is there a Pokemon that has the ability shadow tag in Pokemon Diamond?

"Is there a Pokemon that has the ability shadow tag in Pokemon diamond?"Yes. The two Pokemon that have the ability shadow tag in ppokemon diamond are wynaut and wobbuffet.

What ability can attract electric type Pokemon in emerald?

an electric pokemon have a static ability can attract a electric pokemon.

Which is the best ability in Pokemon black?

The best new ability in Pokemon Black is Illusion.

How do you get a Pokemon with the ability frisk?

Only three Pokemon have this ability: Stantler, Shuppet and Banette.

Which Pokemon learn thief?

Teach it to a Butterfree with the ability Compundeyes. Compundeyes boosts the number of Pokemon holding items by 50%. Also teach it Sleep Powder, Whirlwind, and Silver Wind/ Bug Buzz. Use Sleep Powder to make the wild Pokemon sleep, then use Thief to steal the Item. If you cant escape, use whirlwind. Silver Wind/ Bug Buzz are just moves to protect Butterfree. You might consider putting a fainted Pokemon with the Frisk ability in the front slot ( Stantler, Shuppet, or Banette). Frisk lets you know if it has an Item or not.

Which Pokemon in emerald has a frisk ability?

there is no frisk ability.

Pokemon with the ability wonderguard in Pokemon Diamond?


What pokemon have the ability magma armour in pearl?

Slugma, Marcargo, and Camerupt have the ability Magma Armor in Pokemon Pearl.

The ability intimidate cuts of my Pokemon won't work on my opponent why is this?

The Enemy May have a conflicting ability. Or one that simply blocks the effects of another Pokemon's ability.

What Pokemon has the ability of frisk in Pokemon Heart Gold?


Who is Black Kyurem?

Kyurem is a dragon ice Pokemon in the game Pokemon Black and White. It has the pressure ability and does not evolve.