The cast of Paraphilia - 2012 includes: Grazi Azevedo as Mannequin 1 Bruna Geib as Mannequin 2
The cast of Abiogenesis - 2012 includes: Dan Demarbre as Mannequin
The cast of Through the Static - 2011 includes: Tony Samara
The cast of Suzie - 2007 includes: Suzie Mannequin as Suzie Warren Matthews as The Psycho
The cast of Static Cling - 2009 includes: Michael Barbuto as Jack Cherie Ditcham as Samantha
The cast of Mannequin - 2011 includes: Christian Rudolf as Peer
The cast of Mannequin Dream - 2011 includes: Billy Trask as The Artist
The cast of Le mannequin - 1909 includes: Carlos Avril Gabrielle Lange
The cast of Mannequin Parade - 1957 includes: Gretta Miers as Herself - Host
The cast of Le mannequin - 1913 includes: Berthe Jalabert Marcel Vibert
The cast of Mannequin - 2012 includes: Nicole Ashley as Girl Jordin Bourque as Mannequin Cristin Macshane as Hooded girl
The cast of Das Mannequin - 1960 includes: Rashad Khalaf as Der Photograph Traudel Mertel as Das Mannequin
The cast of M is for Mannequin - 2013 includes: Lena Andriani as Kara Blake Hunsley as Zack
The cast of Paraphilia - 2012 includes: Grazi Azevedo as Mannequin 1 Bruna Geib as Mannequin 2
The cast of Abiogenesis - 2012 includes: Dan Demarbre as Mannequin
The cast of Caroline mannequin nu - 1971 includes: Bernard Launois Loulou Santiago Evelyne Scott
The cast of Static - 2002 includes: Brad Congram