The cast of A Special Anne Murray Christmas - 1981 includes: Kris Kristofferson as himself Anne Murray as herself
The cast of Fractals - 1991 includes: Farrah Forke
The cast of Lapsus - 1991 includes: Isabelle Leprince
The cast of I Am the Sea - 1991 includes: Maree Hutchins
The cast of Senosec - 1991 includes: Zdenek Merta
The cast of Craven - 1991 includes: Patrick Bauchau
The cast of La negra flor - 1991 includes: Vanessa Bauche Rodrigo Murray Esteban Soberanes
The cast of Angel in the Dark - 1991 includes: Mike Cassey as Casey Jim Gaines Romano Kristoff as Kickboxer Rachael Murray as Daughter Nick Nicholson as Carlos
The cast of Jagannathakam - 1991 includes: Sharada
The cast of Kadardaan - 1991 includes: Sandeep
The cast of Caliente - 1991 includes: Fofito
The cast of Fractals - 1991 includes: Farrah Forke
The cast of Akki - 1991 includes: Bernard Assiniwi
The cast of Vetrikkarangal - 1991 includes: Roobini Prabhu
The cast of Troll - 1991 includes: Juni Dahr
The cast of Telefonul - 1991 includes: Magda Catone
The cast of Ezhunnallathu - 1991 includes: Sithara Jayaram
The cast of Afganets - 1991 includes: Aleksandr Litovchenko