The cast of Casey - 2014 includes: Marisilda Garcia as Angela Yvette Monreal as Casey
The cast of The Bracelet - 2009 includes: Casey Lenko
The cast of Boys Will Be Boys - 2009 includes: Devin Goodwin as Devin Casey Regan as Casey
The cast of Saudade - 2001 includes: Yara Freitas as Casey Moore Amber Wallace as Young Casey
The cast of The Rise of Officer Casey - 1914 includes: William Betts Walter Hiers as Officer Casey Raymond McKee
Casey Stengel was born on July 30, 1890.
Casey Stengel was born on July 30, 1890.
Casey Stengel died on September 29, 1975 at the age of 85.
The cast of Casey - 1970 includes: Richard Gardiner Casey as himself
Casey Stengel was born July 30, 1890 in Kansas City, Missouri.
Casey Stengel died on September 29, 1975 at the age of 85.
Casey Stengel died September 29, 1975, in Glendale, CA, USA.
Casey Stengel's final season as manager of the Yankees was 1960.
Casey Stengel and Bill Lee
The cast of Casey - 2014 includes: Marisilda Garcia as Angela Yvette Monreal as Casey
Casey Stengel was born July 30, 1890, in Kansas City, MO, USA.
Yankeeography - 2002 Casey Stengel was released on: USA: 24 November 2005