The cast of Sale of the Century - 1980 includes: Jo Bailey as Herself - Hostess (1991-1994) Tony Barber as Himself - Host (1980-1991) Tony Barber as Host Karina Brown as Herself - Hostess (2000-2001) Nicky Buckley as Herself - Hostess (1994-1999) Delvene Delaney as Herself - Hostess (1983-1985) Cornelia Frances as Herself - Young Doctors Contestant Judy Green as Herself (1980-1983) Maggie Kirkpatrick as herself Val Lehman as herself Colette Mann as herself Judy McBurney as Herself - Young Doctors Contestant Ron Neate as Himself - Booth Man (1980-first 10 episodes) Victoria Nicholls as Co-host Victoria Nicholls as Herself - Hostess (1980-1982) Livinia Nixon as Herself - Co-Host Alyce Platt as Herself - Hostess (1986-1991) Glenn Ridge as Himself - Host Glenn Ridge as Himself - Host (1991-2001) Fiona Spence as herself
The cast of Sale of the Century - 1971 includes: Carole Ashby as Hostess Derek Batey as Himself - Contestant Laura Beaumont as Herself - Hostess (1979) Keith Chegwin as Host Angela Daniels as Herself - Hostess Hughie Green as Himself - Contestant Stan Greener as Himself - Contestant (Sunderland) Linda Hooks as Herself - Hostess Linda Hooks as Herself - Hostess (1977) Me Me Lai as Hostess Nicholas Parsons as Himself - Host Norman Vaughan as Himself - Contestant
The cast of Verde - 1971 includes: Ray Marcos
The cast of Supercharger - 1971 includes: Suzanne Charmaine
The cast of Jezekel - 1971 includes: Merle Fernandez
The cast of Yak - 1971 includes: Donald Bisset as Narrator
The cast of Sudurum Sudavalliyum - 1971 includes: Nagesh
The cast of Bandhavya - 1971 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Bhagyavanthudu - 1971 includes: Gummadi
The cast of Kachusa - 1971 includes: Hie Mun
The cast of Daejeongjang - 1971 includes: Hae Hwang
The cast of Proxyhawks - 1971 includes: Jack Darcus
The cast of Sumangali - 1971 includes: Prem Nazir
The cast of Obba - 1971 includes: Hie Mun
The cast of Przebudzenie - 1971 includes: Ewa Lemanska
The cast of Karakanakadal - 1971 includes: Adoor Bhasi
The cast of Karebi - 1971 includes: Zura Qapianidze
The cast of Mnemosyne - 1971 includes: Philipe Bordier
The cast of Bushman - 1971 includes: Jack Nance