The cast of Ulme - 1986 includes: Tor Isedal as Sverker Torsten Wahlund as Ulf
The cast of Vic the Viking - 2013 includes: Peter Callan as Halvar Cam Ralph as Ulme, Faxe
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -ULME-S. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter U and 3rd letter L and 4th letter M and 5th letter E and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: culmens
Torsten Wahlund has: Played Joakim von Rencken in "Rasmus, Pontus och Toker" in 1956. Performed in "Torget" in 1960. Played Martin in "Chans" in 1962. Played Claes in "Protest" in 1963. Played Stut in "Henrik IV" in 1964. Played Buck in "Wild West Story" in 1964. Played Peter in "Tjorven och Mysak" in 1966. Performed in "Operation Argus" in 1966. Performed in "Beslut i morgondagen" in 1968. Played Nattvakt in "Pappas pojkar" in 1973. Played Sten in "En och en" in 1978. Performed in "Time Out" in 1982. Played Lieutenant Starck in "Kamraterna" in 1982. Played Biology Teacher in "Den tredje lyckan" in 1983. Played Bengtsson in "Midvinterduell" in 1983. Played Rocky in "Spanarna" in 1983. Played Biktfadern in "August Strindberg: Ett liv" in 1985. Performed in "Blood Tracks" in 1985. Played Ulf in "Ulme" in 1986. Played Civilpolis in "Venus 90" in 1988. Performed in "Interdevochka" in 1989. Played Personalchefen in "Rederiet" in 1992. Played Arne Amundsen in "Morsarvet" in 1993. Played Rutger in "Snoken" in 1993. Played Kontaktannonsmannen in "Snoken" in 1993. Played Hakdahl in "Beck" in 1997. Played Jacob McAllen in "The Longest Journey" in 1999. Played Taxi Driver 3 in "Naken" in 2000. Played Spiker in "Ramona" in 2003. Played Filosofen in "Discreet Delivery" in 2012.
Tor Isedal has: Played Telegraph operator in "Hon kom som en vind" in 1952. Played Man at Christian meeting in "Barabbas" in 1953. Played Polacken in "Flicka utan namn" in 1954. Played Man in "Det sjunde inseglet" in 1957. Played Knut in "Rabies" in 1958. Played Hugo in "Skuggornas klubb" in 1959. Played Councillor in "Antigone" in 1960. Played Nils Dacke in "Dacke" in 1961. Played Bus driver in "Eurydike" in 1961. Played Fredriksson in "Vaxdockan" in 1962. Played Roland in "Siska - En kvinnobild" in 1962. Played Valter Velin in "Morianerna" in 1965. Played Valter in "Adamsson i Sverige" in 1966. Played Sgt. Bohman in "Ormen" in 1966. Played Max in "Hotet" in 1966. Played Gunnar Ahlberg in "Roseanna" in 1967. Played Tom in "Glasmenageriet" in 1967. Played Hero in "Repetitionen" in 1968. Performed in "Biprodukten" in 1969. Performed in "Solens barn" in 1969. Played Obliquely man with a warped wig in "Kyrkoherden" in 1970. Played Party Guest in "Exponerad" in 1971. Played Haker, schoolteacher in "Levande bilder" in 1973. Played Vetsera in "Lejonet och jungfrun" in 1975. Performed in "Nisse och Greta" in 1975. Performed in "Predikare-Lena" in 1976. Played Argante in "Scapins rackartyg" in 1976. Played The Carpenter in "Victor Frankenstein" in 1977. Played Nikodemus Johansson in "Hedebyborna" in 1978. Played Nilsson in "Godnatt, jord" in 1979. Played Ville in "Spanarna" in 1983. Played Sverker in "Ulme" in 1986. Played Kato in "Mio min Mio" in 1987. Played Lundstedt in "Roland Hassel polis - Offren" in 1989.