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Q: What agreement doe Mr. Hyde make to the family of the trampled girl?
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Where was the girl who was tramples in Dr. jekyll and Mr. Hyde going?

The girl who was trampled in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" was going to deliver a message for Mr. Hyde, the evil alter ego of Dr. Jekyll. She was seeking to deliver a note to Dr. Jekyll's residence.

In jekyll and hyde who witnessed the trampling of the little girl?

Mr. Enfield and Mr. Utterson witnessed the incident of Hyde trampling the little girl. They were out for a walk in a quiet part of London when they saw the event unfold. This event leads them to further investigate Hyde's behavior.

What can be inferred from reading the information in the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

Someone in the little girl's family was sick.

In the strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde What was the outcom of the little girl being knocked down in the street?

After Mr. Hyde tramples the little girl in the street, he shows no remorse and continues on his way. The incident adds to the growing evidence that Mr. Hyde is a dangerous and immoral character, leading to deeper suspicions about Dr. Jekyll's involvement with him.

What can be inferred from the information in this reading passageThe Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

Someone in the little girl's family was sick.

Why does utterson mutter god forgive us after the incident at the window?

Utterson mutters "God forgive us" after the incident at the window because he witnessed the violent outburst of Edward Hyde, who trampled a young girl without remorse. Utterson is disturbed by the brutality he witnessed and is seeking forgiveness for the sin he feels has been committed in allowing Hyde to roam free.

How did jekyll react to the incident when hyde trampled the little girl?

Jekyll was horrified and felt a deep sense of guilt and remorse when he learned about Hyde's actions towards the little girl. This event made him realize the destructive nature of Hyde and the consequences of his experiment on separating his dual personality.

Who is the man who ran over the girl in the street In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

Edward Hyde

What did the servant girl witness one night looking out her window in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

The servant girl witnessed Mr. Hyde committing a violent murder through her window one night in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde". This event terrifies her and leads her to identify Hyde to the authorities as the perpetrator.

Why was Edward Hyde described as a 'known murder'?

A servant girl witnesses Hyde beat a man to death with a heavy cane.

What actors and actresses appeared in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - 1912?

The cast of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - 1912 includes: Harry Benham as Mr. Hyde (some scenes) James Cruze as Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde Marie Eline as Little girl knocked down by Hyde Jane Gail Marguerite Snow

Choose the passage from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde that suggests Mr. Hyde didn't spend much time in his home.?

Mr. Enfield was inclined to keep to himself and mind his own biusiness.