No anime is better or worse then any other it all depends on what you like.
Lucky Star (anime/manga) ; see relevant link below .
There is no such thing as an American anime.Anime is Japanese animation.There are cartoons that look like anime but aren't.In my opinion real anime is better than the American anime like cartoons.They may look like anime but they just don't have the same action,culture,emotion and comedy as real anime. Shows like Avatar,Totally Spies,Kappa Mikey are good for kids but its just not the same as japan's original work.
some anime have fantasies in it but those kinds of anime have a deeper meaning than princess fairytales. the graphics of anime is much more cute,awesome,fearsom,delicate and better than fairytales. there is one anime that is named fairy tail though, but that anime is not about fairytales its about strong friend ship :3 I'm sure omce you watch anime you'll love it!
pretty much, rhyperior is better than rhydon
It was nathan rogers, because he is cool and awesome and better than romit.
No is not, tokio mew mew is better than pretty cure
Lucky Star (anime/manga) ; see relevant link below .
This is pretty much saying that its a hell of a lot better, safer and wiser to prevent yourself from acquiring a disease than to get the disease and spend time, effort and money trying to cure yourself.
prevention is better than cure because there are some dissease that do not have complete cure and afterwards people are dying
If a person does not have an illness, there is no need to cure it.
The cast of Prevention Is Better Than No Cure - 2011 includes: Shabana Azmi as Doctor
Yes! And it's better than the anime.
Desiderius Erasmus
There is no such thing as an American anime.Anime is Japanese animation.There are cartoons that look like anime but aren't.In my opinion real anime is better than the American anime like cartoons.They may look like anime but they just don't have the same action,culture,emotion and comedy as real anime. Shows like Avatar,Totally Spies,Kappa Mikey are good for kids but its just not the same as japan's original work.
Because you won't get sick if you prevent it.
prevention is better than cure.