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plants can get two types of stems a curly stem and a straight stem

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14y ago
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9y ago

There are two main types of plant stems. One of them is known as phloem and the other one is known as xylem.

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Q: What are 2 Types Of Stems Of A Plant?
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What do plant stems do?

Plant stems support the rest of the plant.

Generally what are two types of plant stems?

Woody and Herbaceous StemsPlato users its D.

What are the two of the stem of a plant?

1. Herbaceous stems and 2. Ligneous Stems Ta-Da!

What do plant stems support?

Plant stems support the rest of the plant.

What are the types of stems?

In our school the types of stems are the Subterranean stem and Aerial stem.

What types of disorder occur in plant stems?

Symptoms of the disorders that effect plant stems are vascular wilt, cankers, water and mineral trans-location, food trans-location, and more. Some diseases that can affect the plant stems are green stem disorder, crop diseases, tomato diseases, stem rot, stem canker, and stem decay.

What is the stems job for the plant?

it is to grow the plant

If there are 80 pea plant 20 have short stems and 60 have what is the percentage of plant with short stems?

it is 45%.

Briefly describe the two types of stems?

The two kinds of stems are- 1.Herbaceous stems-They do not have developed ligneous structures. They are generally frail 2.Ligneous stems-They have developed rigid, stiffened structures, what we normally know as "wood".

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The stems of the mints are square and stout

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Are stems or other parts of the plant woody and rigid like a tree?

It is a plant stems are woody plants of tree so yes it is a plant ...