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Take the first three letters of your name

eg. Sarah becaomes Sar

Then the last two letters of your last name

eg. Montgomery becomes ry

put them together, the letters of your first name go first

eg sar+ry= Sarry

This is your first name In Starwars

To Make Your Last name, take the first two letters of your mums maiden name

eg. Farmer becomes Fa

Then take the last three letters of your mums first name

eg. Susie becomes sie

Put them together with the letters of your mums maiden name first

eg. Fa+Sie= Fassie

You have Made your Starwars first and Last name!

eg. Sarry Fassie!

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14y ago
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12y ago

Well there's Anakin, Luke, Leia ,Padme, R2-D2, C-3PO, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi

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11y ago

Janaira Hydroflyer

Lunona Jenare

Monick Forpuirk

Amnoick Luonier

Somana Slyer

Juanico Ferlum

Miralina Jacobo

Gernamie Polonco

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