Places where you trade Pokemon on Leaf Green and Fire Red:
Cerulean City - House on left of the PokeCenter
Bald Man wants a Poliwhirl, you get a Jynx
Route 5 - Underground Path south of Cerulean City
Little girl wants Nidoran-F you get Nidoran-M
Vermilion City - House to the left of Poke Mart
Little girl wants Spearow, you get Farfetch'd
Route 2 - House south of Pewter City (Enter through Digglet's Cave or use CUT)
Young Boy wants an Abra, you get Mr. Mime
Route 11 - Town Separation House east (to the right) of Vermilion City (second floor)
Young Boy wants Nidorina, you get Nidorino
Route 18 - End of Cycling Road, Town Separation House that goes to Fucchia City (second floor)
Young Boy wants Golduck (Fire Red) or Slowbro (Leaf Green), you get Lickitung
Cinnabar Island - Laboratory 1st Room
Old Gentleman wants a Raichu (Leaf Green) Electabuzz (Fire Red), you get Electrode
Young Female wants a Venonat, you get Tangela
Cinnabar Island - Laboratory 3rd Room
Young Man wants a Ponyta, you get a Seel
ekans can be found in the end of the victory road in leafgreen. You can only find growlithe in firered. firered you can find both way easyer in firered than leafgreen so trade with firered. there is info about pkmn for all you GAMERS
Emerald as alot more features than firered and leafgreen including Pokemon contests, the battle frontier and you can catch certain Pokemon firered and leafgreen both can't get over all if you want to buy a certain GBA Pokemon version get Emerald but leafgreen and firered are good choices to that's because it includes the new sevii islands to explore and the game has a little more difficulty in it that is actually a good thing by the way.
Some unown can be found in the tanoby chambers although leafgreen can get some firered doesn't so trade the leafgreen unowns to firered to get them all. Psst if you look very hard in the viapois and monean chamber you can find two secret unown: A exclamation point and question mark.
To catch Mewtwo in LeafGreen or FireRed no. To migrate Mewtwo from LeafGreen or FireRed to Diamond/Pearl/Platinum yes you have to have it in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum.
You can't get pikachu in Pokemon colosseum you can see it but that's all, if you want pikachu you would have to trade one from firered, leafgreen, ruby, sapphire or emerald.
A way to get 60 Pokemon is to one catch the ones you can get, train them to get evolved forms, trade with leaf green, and find all the ingame trades such as Abra can be traded to get a mr.mime.
ekans can be found in the end of the victory road in leafgreen. You can only find growlithe in firered. firered you can find both way easyer in firered than leafgreen so trade with firered. there is info about pkmn for all you GAMERS
Yes but the only way to get them is from another firered or leafgreen.
You have to trade it from FireRed or LeafGreen
all the answers about Pokemon are on serebii.net
I cant tell you all the differences but I do recomend Fire Red version
Emerald as alot more features than firered and leafgreen including Pokemon contests, the battle frontier and you can catch certain Pokemon firered and leafgreen both can't get over all if you want to buy a certain GBA Pokemon version get Emerald but leafgreen and firered are good choices to that's because it includes the new sevii islands to explore and the game has a little more difficulty in it that is actually a good thing by the way.
http://www.Pokemon.com - There is no one specific website for Pokemon FireRed and Pokemon LeafGreen, but the official site will have all of the info you need to know on the two games. You can also search Google (Bing, Yahoo!, etc.) for specific results on other websites' pages just for Pokemon FireRed and Pokemon LeafGreen.
Some unown can be found in the tanoby chambers although leafgreen can get some firered doesn't so trade the leafgreen unowns to firered to get them all. Psst if you look very hard in the viapois and monean chamber you can find two secret unown: A exclamation point and question mark.
you canmigrate from firered, leafgreen, ruby, saphier emerald ur welcom :) :(
Put "LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL" you will receive a prize.
Nowhere. You can't. You have to trade them from the FireRed and LeafGreen versions.