The best place to find an official fan mail address for a celebrity is their official fan web site.
The email addresses of famous people are not easily available. If you need to email them, you would have to use the public email addresses they provide through their websites and not through their personal email accounts.
It is extremely unlikely that you are going to find a celebrity's real (personal) number. It is much more likely that you would find the number of someone with the same or similar name of a celebrity, a number posted by someone pulling a prank, etc. If you find a number that you think is a celebrity's, it is not necessary to do anything. If it is a celebrity's real number, the chances are almost 100% that they have been inundated with calls and the number has been changed and precautions were taken so the number "leaking" out will not happen again.
You can find Jason Dolley's and lots of other celebrity's email and regular addresses at
There are many places where one would go to be able to find out which celebrities have breast implants. One could check celebrity gossip websites such as Make me Heal for information regarding celebrities and breast implants.
you can find a lot of celebrity addresses at
Visit On this web site, you will find over a thousand celebrity addresses. You can also go to and find all the addresses you need
You may get a fan club email address by going to their website, if they have one, but it is highly unlikely you would find a personal one for any celebrity.
The best place to find an official fan mail address for a celebrity is their official fan web site.
Usually The emails for celebrities don't work, and they usually don't write back. Some might be real, but proably not. If you want to contact a celebrity, you can go to and find THOUSANDS of celebrities and there mailing addresses.. The England people are really nice.
You can find some addresses at
The email addresses of famous people are not easily available. If you need to email them, you would have to use the public email addresses they provide through their websites and not through their personal email accounts.
One can access services designed to find email addresses in on various sites online. It would be dependent on which email addresses one is looking for. One can check the Yahoo site, for example, if one is looking for Yahoo email addresses.
Try for email addresses list to download. Before starting your email marketing campaign, Sign-up at for free and download millions of email list.
There are many companies that help individuals find e-mail addresses for free. Some of the best places to look for email addresses would be though programs like Peep Mail.
Why are you a celebrity?Oh my God your a celebrity!
cult of celebrity by jack Delaney agree or disagree with his viewpoint