Depends in black and white snivy is the best paltimon tortwig and ruby torchick and heartgold I am not sure but my fav is chickerriter and I think that covers it all.
- Level Evolution (ej. the starters) - Stone Evolution (ej. clefairy>clefable) - Trade evolution (ej. Kadabra>Alakazam) - Trade+Items evolution (ej. Onix[metal coat attached]> steelix) - Happiness Evolution (ej. Golbat>Crobat, Chansey>Blissey) - Stats Evolution (only tyrogue. evolves at lvl.20 -attack stat bigger than defense stat=hitmonlee; defense stat bigger than attack stat=hitmonchan; attack stat the same as defense stat= hitmontop
it depends on its stat & moveset pool
Lapras has a total of 535 stat points, whereas Sharpedo has a total of 460 stat points Lapras has more so technically it is better than Sharpedo. Game play should also be taken into consideration as Sharpedo has alot more attacking type moves than Lapras, which has more defensive moves.
Yeah he has really good health and he just pwns.
either gyrados, quaqusire, or floatzle, because of their high attack stat
The starters are designed to be nearly equal in total stats. The deciding factor in how much a stat actually has is the IV (Individual Value) of the stat.
Base stat wise, Pikachu has the higher total. Squirtle has a base stat total of 314, while Pikachu has a base stat total of 320.
There's no difference.
The best shield for a non member in stat wise is the Rune Kite shield however if you want rarity the You can go for one with a trim in the colour of the runescape gods.
People argue that it's either Russell Westbrook, James Harden, Lebron James, or Kawhi Leonard. Personally (stat wise), I think Westbrook is the best player this year.
its your\
Eh... Is it starters? If it is, I can give you some advice and recommendations... If you like Turtwig,(Sorry for offending you, Turtwig) it has a terrible speed stat but a great defense stat. If you like Chimchar, no violent reactions but this little chimp has a great speed stat. If you like Pilup, it starts with a cute but weak appearance but when it evolves, it somewhat creepy yet very strong since it evolves into Empoleon which is a Water and Steel type. Very long don't you think? LOL ^-^
- Level Evolution (ej. the starters) - Stone Evolution (ej. clefairy>clefable) - Trade evolution (ej. Kadabra>Alakazam) - Trade+Items evolution (ej. Onix[metal coat attached]> steelix) - Happiness Evolution (ej. Golbat>Crobat, Chansey>Blissey) - Stats Evolution (only tyrogue. evolves at lvl.20 -attack stat bigger than defense stat=hitmonlee; defense stat bigger than attack stat=hitmonchan; attack stat the same as defense stat= hitmontop
Ozoras are the best starters
it depends on its stat & moveset pool
The best in order are:RangedMeleeMagic
go to magic pen