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Channing Tatum's parents are Glen Tatum and Kay Tatum.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

No. Channing Tatum is not of African ancestry.

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Q: What are the blood types of Channing Tatum's parents?
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Can you tell if a kid is yours by parents blood type if the fathers have different?

Certain blood types are not obtainable in offspring when the parents have certain blood types.

What determains the type of blood a person has?

The parents' blood types.

What are blood types that are possible to have?

The blood types are A, B, AB and O. Rh positive or negative are also blood types possible. What blood type we will have is inherited from our parents.

Can parents with O and O- blood types have an AB child?

Yes, we all get our blood groups from our parents or grandparents.

What blood type will the baby have if both parents have different blood types?

The baby will have some combination of the parents blood types. Without more information I cannot give you more specific info.

Are Blood types are inherited through genes.?

Yes, blood types are inherited through genetics of your parents and ancestors.

Are blood types inherited through genes?

Yes, blood types are inherited through genetics of your parents and ancestors.

What would your parents blood types have to be to have a child with a plus blood type?

A+ and A- A+ and O-

Can parents both blood type O have a child with B positive blood type?

It must have one of the true parents blood types.

Are daughter and father blood types the same?

It depends on both parents blood groups!

Does your ethnicity affect your blood type?

You get your blood type (phenotype) from your parents, each of whom carry their parents blood types (genotype) in their blood. Your ethnicity plays a minor factor because some races tend toward different blood types, but any member of any race can end up with any blood type. Four children of the same parents could all have the different types of blood.

What could be the reason why a child is born with A blood types and both parents are O plus could the parents parent be a carrier of A blood type?

Parents should re-test their blood types to check if there was any error in their past result. there is no way to have A blood type baby if both were O