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EBCIDIC (Extended BCD Interchange Code)


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Q: What are the character codes in number system?
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How do you make shapes on your keyboard?

You can look up codes for that, but I use the Character Map. On the start menu of your computer, click All Programs>Accessories>System Tools.

What is a tariff number?

Quote from All import and export codes used by the United States are based on the Harmonized Tariff System (HTS). The HTS assigns 6-digit codes for general categories. This 6-digit code is known as the Harmonized System number.

What are the number codes?

The number codes are to unlock clues on the website at

What is the decimal value of the hex number 1b?

The direct answer is 27. HEX is a base-16 system. The character 116 represents 1610. The character b16 represents 1110. 16 + 11 = 27 in the decimal system.

Any cheat codes to get toad in melee?

Toad is not a playable character nor is he a NPC, so there are no codes to get him.

What are the computerese combos for each letter?

You'll want to consult the character map on your computer for that [In your start menu, look under Acessories, then System or System Tools], or look up "Alt codes" in any search engine.

What is positional and nonpositional number system?

The number system now in commonest use worldwide is positional. Consider a number such as 924.37. The position of each digit in the number indicates how significant it is. The digit 9 represents 100s, the 2 10s, the 4 1s, and so on.The Roman number, or 'numeral' system, is non-positional. The value of a character in a number does not depend on its position only. Rather, the value of a character depends on what the character is and on neighbouring characters. Consider a number such as XLIV. In this case the 'X' means ten but only as a modifier for the 'L' which stands for fifty, so that the combination 'XL' means 40.

What is the binary equivalent of the word Network using ASCII encoding?

ASCII character array (including null-terminator): {'N','e','t','w','o','r','k','\0'} ASCII character codes (decimal): {78,101,116,119,111,114,107,0} ASCII character codes (octal): {4,7,1,4,5,3,5,0,7,3,5,5,7,3,4,4,6,5,4,0,0} ASCII character codes (hexadecimal): {4E,65,74,77,6F,72,6B,00} ASCII character codes (binary): {01001110,01100101,01110100,01110111,01101111,01110010,01101011,00000000} When treated as a 64-bit value, the ASCII-encoded word "Network" has the decimal value 5,649,049,363,925,854,976.

What are the biggest battle in history character codes?

The Code is 15486fkl45

Give three codes for alphanumeric characters?

ASCII, or the American Standard Code for the Information Interchange, is the name of a character-encoding scheme based on the English alphabet. Codes in ASCII represent text in computers and communication devices that use text.UTF-8 is another coding system and has recently become the dominant character coding type for the World Wide Web.Example:In UTF-8, the four character string "I♥NY" is encoded (shown as hexadecimal byte values): 49 E2 99 A5 4E 59.

What is the zip code number for Nigeria?

Nigeria is composed of multiple states, each with multiple post codes. You can locate these for individual cities through the Nigerian Postal System website, linked below.