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Kabbalah is a deep, esoteric realm within the Torah and is not meant to be bandied about on street corners. Only a lifelong Torah scholar will even begin to know what he's talking about. Kabbalah is meant to be preceded by a thorough grounding in Tanakh, Talmud and halakha - and it presupposes your knowledge of those subjects with its brief references which are mistranslated and misunderstood by the wannabe.

However, it's impossible to point fingers and judge in a sweeping, all-inclusive manner. Each teacher and "center" would have to be examined on their own merits or lackings. Probably some are at least well-intentioned.

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Q: What are the differences between Jewish Kabbalah and the Kabbalah Centers?
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How popular is Kabbalah?

Probably too popular. According to Jewish tradition, one needs to be thoroughly learned in such subjects as Talmud and halakha before attempting kabbalah, which is deeeper and more easily misunderstood. There are an embarrassing number of "armchair kabbalists" who aren't sufficiently religious, sincere or prepared; and they more likely than not will have a superficial understanding of what they read in kabbalah, at best. The popularity of Kabbalah is further demonstrated by the presence of over 40 cities with "Kabbalah Centers" and the fact that 70% of "Kabbalah Students" are non-Jews, even though real Kabbalah is a distinctly Jewish religious philosophy.

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Kabbalah is the advanced study of Tanach (Jewish Bible). There is no such thing as a 'kabbalah church'.

What happens in the Jewish tradition of Cabbala?

When used to refer to Jewish religion the spelling is "Kabbalah" not "Cabbala." Traditions of Jewish Kabbalah include reading Jewish texts and traditions that concern magic.

What is a Jewish school of mystical thought?

Kabbalah (קבלה)

Where can one purchase Kabbalah bracelets?

Kabbalah is a Jewish scarlet or crimson string as a type of talisman. Kabbalah bracelets are available in many online jewelry retailers and outlets.

Can Kabbalah be worn by non Jews?

Kabbalah is a mystical doctrine, or school of thought, and as such cannot be "worn" by anyone, be they Jewish or otherwise.

What is the definition of kabbalah?

The Kabbalah is used in reference with the Jewish religion. It was an interpretation of the Bible which helped some people better understand it fully.

What do people who practice kabbalah traditionally wear?

Kabbalah is the advanced study of Tanach (Jewish Bible), as such, there is no specific uniform that Jews wear.

Why is Madonna a kabbalah?

Madonna is not a kabbalah. Madonna has studied Kabbalah, but to study a thing does not make you one. Kabbalah is a stream of Jewish mysticism that took the European Jewish community by storm in the 16th century. Some christians noticed then, and some continue to notice now. Madonna, raised as a Catholic, is by no means alone in being fascinated by this mystical tradition.

Ancient Jewish mystical tradition based on the old testatment?


What is difference between yoga and kabbalah?

Kabbalah is the Jewish mysticism which is reserved only for pious and learned Jews who live lives of Torah-observance and who have learned the Tanach and Talmud first. Yoga is a fitness routine which aims to benefit and relax the body and mind.

Is there any mysticism in judaism?

Yes, there is a famous Jewish book known as the Zohar in which the Jewish mysticism known as the Kabbalah is discussed.