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Q: What are the greatest influence you think you have derived from your own family?
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Discuss the greatest influence you think you have derived from your own family?

The greatest influence to derive from any family is to be proud of your heritage and keep the memories of ancestors alive through pictures, stories, and documents. Keep the best interests of family at heart.

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Any stable family is a positive influence.

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The apostle Paul probably had the greatest influence on Christianity.

Which cultures have had the greatest influence on the world?

I think Romans, they invented latin which has influenced language all over the world

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I think on Islamic Civilizations. They influenced the Greeks and the Greeks by the Muslims got influenced.

How can your family influence you?

they can influence you in many ways but a main one is is by telling you things they do. e.g if your older sister said she liked playing netball it could influence you to think 'oh yeah, maybe i wanna try netball' hope you under stand where im coming from:) not just family but many people can influence you! xo

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Its what your topic is about tell whether you think technology has a positive or negative influence in families is it brings them together or apart. Just give your opinion

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I would think Christianity. I live with a family from Africa and they are all Christians.

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i think no!?!.

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I don't think it can be derived.

What influence did Vasco da Gama's family have on him?

His family was not originally from Portugal, but da Gama did not think of any place but Portugal as his home. His father's family originally came from the southern provinces of Alentejo, which is part of Portugal. His mother's family, on the other hand, was English.

What do you think is the greatest help of technology?

i think that electricity is the greatest thing to happen to technology