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Q: What are the qualities of a shape?
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What are Hera's good qualities?

Being a Greek goddess, thus immortal, ageless, shape shifting.

What shape represents a male?

Historically, the square represents male qualities.

Can a shape have two sides?

no Improved Answer it can have two sides but it will need more then one maintain the qualities of a shape. must have more the 2 sides

What are the three basic dimensional qualities?

The three basic dimensional qualities are length, width, and height. They are used to describe the physical size and shape of an object in space.

What does physical qualities mean?

Physical qualities refer to the characteristics or attributes of an object, substance, or organism that can be observed or measured. These qualities may include properties like color, size, shape, texture, weight, and density. Physical qualities are used to describe and classify things based on their observable characteristics.

What is qualative data?

it is data that has to do with a qualities of something, i.e color shape feel...(etc) while quantitative has to do with numbers and quantities.


a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.

What are the six qualities included in a description of colony morphology?

The six qualities included in a description of colony morphology are size, shape, margin, elevation, texture, and color. Size refers to the diameter of the colony, shape refers to the overall form of the colony, margin refers to the edges of the colony, elevation refers to the height of the colony, texture refers to the surface characteristics of the colony, and color refers to the pigmentation of the colony.

Who provided the foundation for the humans qualities exhibited by thus person?

The foundation for human qualities exhibited by a person is influenced by a combination of genetics, upbringing, environment, and personal experiences. These factors interact to shape an individual's personality, behavior, and characteristics.

What shape has 2 faces 0 vertices and 0 edges?

Cylinder * * * * * There is no convex 3-dimensional shape with these qualities. A cylinder has two plane faces plus a curved one, and two edges.

Suffixes means having qualities of?

Suffixes are letters or letter combinations added to the end of a word to change its meaning or create a new word. They can indicate qualities, such as "-ful" (joyful) or "-less" (careless).

Define the term aesthetic properties?

The qualities that make a product attractive to look at, or pleasing to experience, determine its aesthetic appeal. • It is through the senses of sight, touch, hearing and smell that the aesthetic qualities of a product, such as shape, colour, texture, can be appreciated and measured