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Q: What are the symbols for earth air water fire?
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Who are the people of earth air fire water?

the people of water earth fire and air in the group are water: katara and sokka earth: toph fire: zuko and air: aang

Of what is matter composed?

air, earth, water, and fire

What were the four elements thought to compose the universe?

earth, air, fire and water.

What would be an easily painted glyph for earth as in earth fire water air?

2 columns, 3 dashes in each column of equal size and length. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Thank you. From what system of glyphs does this come? I would like to learn the matching symbols for water, fire and air.

Which element beats which?

There are four elements in world. The four basic elements are fire,water,air and earth. Water beats fire Fire beats air Air beats earth Earth beats water

What are the elements that Greek philosophers thought were the only ones?

Earth, fire, air, and water.

What are the four groups of elements as classified by the ancient Greek?

Earth, air, fire and water are the elements

What is the name of the tribes in avatar?

The basic four elements: water, earth, fire, and air. So you have the Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation, and the Air Nomads.

Does water beat Earth?

Accually There Are Both Equal In Time Square Earth Helps Water And Water Helps Earth How??? Because theres Water In All 3 States That Help Earth Live On Space In The Air And Earth Helps Water Fufill In The Lands Of Earth

Why did not Avatar the Last Air Bender contain the stories of Earth and Fire?

They did, They did Water, Earth, and Fire but they didn't do Air

What is missing in water air fire and?

Missing is earth.

What is a nature?

Fire, Earth, Water and Air