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Q: What are the types of comminication?
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good comminication skills

What is meant by connectivity?

ability to connect computers to one another by comminication lines to provide online information access or sharing of pheripheral devices

What is the future trends in computer comminication?

Possible the google goggles or something like it. But if anyone actually knew the answer to that question they would be filthy rich.

What are the effects of communication on ones life?

everything. comminication is an impotant part of life. you must communicate to meet people, meet lovers find friends, get a job. there are endless benefits of communication. master communications and you can get anywhere in life.

Why was the relay system for sending messages important?

Before modern transportation, radio and telephony, comminication was carried out by messengers in ships and on horseback. Roads facilitated the latter, and having stages of horses cut down extensive transmission times.

What effective comminication is?

When you communicate effectively, you speak and write clearly and concisely, with minimal grammatical errors. People should be able to understand the point you are trying to get across. If you are leading a team, you should also practice active listening and watch your body language, so as not to offend anyone.

What is the impact of 20 years of technology on written or visual comminication?

Power point - for making it easy to generate good as well as bad presentations in under 30 minutes - for relevant visual content filetype:ppt search - for identifying similar power point slides and materials Image manipulation, cropping and resizing tools - for improving impact

Observe your own behavior and discuss what non-verbal communication habits you typically use do you notice some habits that mislead receivers?

This question is about your personal issues. We cannot help you with it because we do not know enough about you. some of the common nonverbal comminication habits from our own behavious are Eye contact, Facial Exprsssions, Gestures, posture and body orientation, proximity, paralinguistics etc

What Pokemon can learn solarbeam?

fire types and grass types and flying types can and bug types can and dragon types can and poison types can and steel types can