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One of the most famous was Sherlock Holmes, who used cocaine when his vast intellect was not being challenged enough by a detective case to solve.

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Q: What book character was addicted to cocaine?
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Can you become addicted to cocaine if you didnt know it was cocaine you were using?


Was Obama addicted to cocaine?

yes and crack

What is the percentage of salesman addicted to cocaine?


What was Little Walter addicted to?

cocaine and alcohol

Was boy George addicted to heroine?

yes, and people think he was also addicted to cocaine

Is there any proof that babies born to crack-addicted mothers are physically addicted to crack and where can sources on this topic be found?

Mothers who use cocaine or crack cocaine while pregnant put their unborn babies at risk for all kinds of birth defects and health problems. However, a baby CANNOT be born addicted to crack (or regular cocaine), because cocaine (and crack cocaine) are not physically addictive. There is no such thing as a crack-addicted baby.

Does exercise get cocaine out of your system?

Exercise helps decrease the crave for cocaine in addicted subjects.

Was Barack Obama addicted to crack?

No. Although he has used cocaine in the past, there is no indication he was ever addicted.

What did Tim Allen do?

Tim Allen was addicted to cocaine.

How many people who try cocaine get addicted?

Cocaine is extremely addictive; it is possible to use it once and not get addicted, but people who use it twice will almost certainly become addicts.

When was Marvin Gaye addicted to cocaine?

1981 til his death

Is alcohol easier to get addicted to then cocaine?

Cocaine usually creates addictions faster, if used regularly in sufficient quantities, but a person with a strong genetic predisposition for alcoholism can become addicted pretty quickly.