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Q: What causes pioneer grasses and weeds that have grown in an abandoned field to die?
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What type of succession takes place in an abandoned field?

Primary succession occurs in an abandoned field when plant species colonize the area where no plants previously existed. Over time, these pioneer species help to create a more stable ecosystem, allowing for the growth of more diverse plant and animal species.

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Amelia Earhart was a pioneer in aviation, particularly in long solo flights.

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Marvin Minsky is the pioneer of field technology. He advocated how machine could be endowed used with common sense. His technology reign in Europe.

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Jedediah Strutt was a pioneer in textile technology. Jedediah was a pioneer in the cotton spinning industry and helped improve the stacking frame in spinning.

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Make sentences using pioneer?

The pioneer explored new territories and settled in unknown lands. She was a pioneer in the field of medicine, revolutionizing treatments for diseases. The company was a pioneer in developing eco-friendly technology for renewable energy sources.