It's a lighter shade of yellow - not much different from its normal form.
same way you catch any other shiny pokemon. what i suggest is that you use the matsuda method with hatching eggs (seeing as how abra is a pain to catch in the first place). this may take a while but you should get it eventually.
All Pokemon have Shiny Forms. ;) Shiny Rhyhorn is a metallic Rust-Brown, is a pale color, and Shiny Rypherior is Grey and Gold.
Its fur is slightly lighter and more white in apperance and the orange flames are blue!
arceus is white colour it's shiny form is gold it can change colour depending on what plate it holds
The shiny Charamander will be a black color.
Getting a shiny Pokemon is dependent on luck. The chances of encountering a shiny Pokemon is 1/8192, so it may take a long time to get a shiny Abra.
it is 123wrcghsvn ok :)
Silver color is shiny white and a little bit pearly.
same way you catch any other shiny pokemon. what i suggest is that you use the matsuda method with hatching eggs (seeing as how abra is a pain to catch in the first place). this may take a while but you should get it eventually.
Copper is a metal that can be flexible, shiny, and has a brownish hue. Its natural color is a shiny orange-brown, and it is known for its malleability, making it easy to shape and form into various objects.
Yes it will be shiny i tried it but i don't know for your leaf green but i would say yes.
Shiny Pokemon have a different color than their usual form. They also have a sparkle around them after their call.
Mudkip's tail has a light blue color in the normal form. As a shiny, its tail is changed to a light yellow/gold color.
the color of a shiny lampent is orange instead of purple
The state color of magnesium is a silvery-white or gray color. It has a shiny appearance or luster when freshly cut, but it quickly tarnishes in air to form a dull oxide coating.
Shiny charizard is black with shiny skin.
How shiny a object is defines how much light it reflects, it is not a definition of a color. Shiny is also a ablum by The Bang.