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It's a lighter shade of yellow - not much different from its normal form.

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Q: What color is Abra in its shiny form?
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How do you get a shiny Abra in FireRed?

Getting a shiny Pokemon is dependent on luck. The chances of encountering a shiny Pokemon is 1/8192, so it may take a long time to get a shiny Abra.

What is the code for a shiny Abra in Pokemon TD?

it is 123wrcghsvn ok :)

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Silver color is shiny white and a little bit pearly.

How do you catch a shiny Abra?

same way you catch any other shiny pokemon. what i suggest is that you use the matsuda method with hatching eggs (seeing as how abra is a pain to catch in the first place). this may take a while but you should get it eventually.

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Copper is a metal that can be flexible, shiny, and has a brownish hue. Its natural color is a shiny orange-brown, and it is known for its malleability, making it easy to shape and form into various objects.

If you trade a shiny Pokemon in an in-game trade is the Pokemon you receive shiny e.g. shiny Abra traded for mr mime in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Yes it will be shiny i tried it but i don't know for your leaf green but i would say yes.

What do shiny Pokemon look like in fire red?

Shiny Pokemon have a different color than their usual form. They also have a sparkle around them after their call.

What color is mudkips tail?

Mudkip's tail has a light blue color in the normal form. As a shiny, its tail is changed to a light yellow/gold color.

What color is a shiny lampent?

the color of a shiny lampent is orange instead of purple

What is the state color and luster of magnesium?

The state color of magnesium is a silvery-white or gray color. It has a shiny appearance or luster when freshly cut, but it quickly tarnishes in air to form a dull oxide coating.

What color is shiny Charizard?

Shiny charizard is black with shiny skin.

Is shiny a color?

How shiny a object is defines how much light it reflects, it is not a definition of a color. Shiny is also a ablum by The Bang.