i think from bermuda Jesus bless you!
He is from Massachusetts's and owns a small country store .
Nicolas Cage owns 15 homes and an Island in the Bahamas.
No The 3 day and 4 day night Disney cruise goes to the Bahamas and Castway Cay. Castaway Cay is only for Disney Cruisers, Castaway Cay is a Disney Private Island. They keep the Pirates Of The Carribean boat there! I get to see it!!!
I don't think so. He has a home in France, Los Angeles and he owns an island in the Carribean.
Bermuda is a self-governing dependency of the United Kingdom.
Bermuda Island is possessed by Britain.
first off the island of Bermuda is a country second it is a country claimed by the U.K. or the United Kingdom.
The United Kingdom controls Bermuda.
Bermuda is a self governing country within the Commonwealth. Formerly a British Dependancy.
it is actually an island in "The Bermuda Triangle"
The Antilles are a series of islands in the Caribbean, no one country owns them. Each island is a country.