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Gacy's trial began on February 6, 1980 and came to a close on May 10, 1980. How he was convicted was relatively clear due to the dozens of bodies found in and around his home. Most were found in the crawl space beneath his house. It's pretty hard to explain something like that.

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Gacy was arrested on December 21, 1978.

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January 4, 1972

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Q: What day was John Wayne Gacy caught?
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How many cigarettes did John Wayne smoke a day?

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How did john wayne gacy die?

He was a crazy psychopath who loved to murder for the thrill of it.Gacy killed for the same reason most serial killers murder. Most have personality disorders, which leaves them void of feelings for other earthlings. Gacy's victims of choice were young men and boys he could lure into his home. Once they went home with him they were never seen alive again.Gacy is what is known as a homesexual killer but until the day he walked into the death chamber he denied he was homosexual. Gacy was a very scary individual who had to have supreme control over everybody. His powers of manipulation are unparalled and it's a relief to know he's in the safest place known to man (6 feet under).

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Although this claim is disputed, Buddy said he borrowed the phrase "That'll be the day" from a John Wayne line in The Searchers (1956)

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John Wayne

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"Lace it up tight, Doc. I got a war to fight" is said by John Wayne in the film The Longest Day.

Nicknamed the duke what actor won his only Academy Award on this day in 1970?

John Wayne. oodles!

When did Charles Wayne 'Chuck' Day die?

Charles Wayne 'Chuck' Day died in 2008.

When was Charles Wayne 'Chuck' Day born?

Charles Wayne 'Chuck' Day was born in 1942.

In which movie starring John Wayne would you find the quote - He'll regret it to his dying day If ever he lives that long?

the quiet man

In how many movies does John Wayne say that'll be the day?

After reading through a copy of the shooting script I count four times.

What day did lil Wayne die?

The rapper Lil Wayne is still alive.

What is the name of the song Buddy Holly and Jerry Allison wrote after watching the John Wayne film 'The Searchers'?

"That'll Be The Day". One of the characters kept saying it.