Roberta Shore's birth name is Roberta Jymme Schourop.
Roberta Storm's birth name is Roberta Marguerite McElroy.
Roberta Bitgood died in 2007.
Roberta Lima was born in 1974.
Roberta Gellis was born in 1927.
Roberta Harris was the first woman to serve in the Presidents Cabinet in 1896
roberta harris did'NT come out with downhearted blues Bessie smith did in 1923.
roberta harris
Maybe you are thinking of Patricia Roberts Harris was was HUD Secretary for Jimmy Carter 1977-1979.
Roberta Angelica is 5' 7".
Roberta Shore's birth name is Roberta Jymme Schourop.
The cast of Where Glory Waits - 1917 includes: Wadsworth Harris Allen Holubar Thomas Jefferson Fritzi Ridgeway Roberta Wilson
Roberta Peters's birth name is Peterman, Roberta.
Roberta Hewston's birth name is Roberta Hewson.
Roberta Angelica's birth name is Roberta Sammut.
Roberta = Lopeka