Timothy Brennen's birth name is Timothy Abell.
Timothy Socey's birth name is Timothy John Socey.
Timothy Voilloncourt's birth name is Timothy S. Vaillancourt.
Timothy Omundson's birth name is Timothy Michael Omundson.
Timothy Ruck's birth name is Timothy David Ruck.
you say Timothy in French (Timohuy)
The name "Timothy" in Polish can be translated as "Tymoteusz".
august the 14th
The name "Timothy" can be translated to "Kimo" in Hawaiian.
it means that he had did something knowingly which had consequences which would occur from that action. For example: school states that if a student was to be late for school for 3 times they would be suspended for a week, and Timothy had been late 3 times and got suspended his mates may say "he had it coming"
To say "I am coming" in Hausa, you can say "Ina zo."
At Timothy's grave, Phillip says, "Ah, yes, Timothy. You saved my life and taught me how to survive. I will always remember you."
John Manicoff and Timothy Duckworth
A:Traditionally, 2 Timothy has been believed to have been written by Paul while imprisoned in Rome. However, scholars say that both Epistles addressed to Timothy are clearly from the second century, and were not written by Paul. Since Second Timothy was not written by Paul, there is nothing to say it was written from prison.
You would say "Ngiyeza" in Ndebele to mean "I am coming."