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Whatever you want them to look like, considering that they are fantasy creatures.

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Q: What do merpeople look lice?
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Do merpeople exist?

No. There is no evidence of the existence of merpeople.

What does lice look like on a kitten?

only humans can get lice

What does merpeople mean?

Mermaid people

What is the symbiosis for lice living on a scalp?

There really are no symbols that you have lice, but what you can do is look through your hair and if you find eggs then you probably have lice.

How do you spell merpeople?

That is the correct spelling for the imaginary beings "merpeople" (mermaids and mermen). The English term is merfolk. If you wanted to keep the Latin mer with a latin root it would be mergens.

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Does lice have eyes?

Yeah, it should if you look at a magnified picture of it.

What are water bugs that look like little stingrays?

Water bugs that look like little stingrays are called fish lice. Fish lice feed off of the blood of fishes.

Did Paul McCartney ever have lice?

No. There is a video called "Head Lice" which is a spoof video. It features a look alike McCartney singing about having head lice to the tune of Blackbird. It's a joke.

Is there a cure for head lice?

Yes,go to the doctor and let them look in your head.

How do you know if you have lice?

your head itchesThe first sign to look for is an itchy scalp. The second sign is if you see something that looks like dandruff & it doesn't come off easily, it could be lice or a lice egg that hasn't hatched yet. But sometimes you can have lice & you don't have any symptoms. Lice is sometimes mistaken for dandruff. Lice eggs are light or dark, depending on how light or dark your hair is. The only way to know for sure that you have lice, is to check.

What do sharks look lice?

What do you think they look like!?!? I mean, they are kinda like dolphins. But more strong and bigger.