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After beating the Elite 4 there is still plenty to do.

1) Access Kiloude City and unlock the Mega Stones.

- You need to get the TMV pass from Professor Sycamore in Lumiose station.

- Fight atleast once in the Battle Maison in Kiloude City

- Fight your rival, you can see her/him in the top of the City.

- Head to Anistar and talk to Professor Sycamore. After this you can find Mega stones in a variety of places, but only between 8 and 9pm. (This excludes some of the Mega Stones that are given out such as Aerodactyl's or brought in Lumiose).

- Many places have a list of where the Mega Stones can be found.

2) The Looker Storyline.

This is pretty self explanatory, visit Looker at his Bureau in Lumiose (the thin path between Rouge Plaza and North Boulevard.) to activate. He will more or less guide you through it where to go etc.

3) Version Legendary Bird

You could try catching the Legendary Bird of your game. You will need to see it atleast 10 times (annoying, but you can encountering it whilst training easy enough as it doesn't immediately move after you encounter it - I saw it 3 times in 10 minutes). They will return to the Sea Spirit's Den (the Big empty den you might have seen when leaving from Shalour) where you can fight it.

4) Zygarde/Mewtwo

Zygarde can be found in the depths of Terminus Cave, the deeper part only opens after the Elite 4. Whilst Mewtwo can be found in the Unknown Dungeon (He seems to like places of that name) accessed from the Pokemon Village you will also gain the Mega Stone of 'his' relating to that version of your game.

5) Completing your Pokedex.

This will require Pokemon Bank, or alot of Luck on Wonder Trading/GTS.

Doing this will increase your Egg rate at Day Care and Shiny encounter Rate (You will gain the Oval Charm for completing the Kalos Pokedex, and the Shiny Charm for completing the National Pokedex).

6) Obtaining Ralts from Diantha with the Gardevoirite in Lumiose (Cafe Soilel) trade any Pokemon for this. You can get Shauna's starter this way to when you restart.

Those are the main ones, there's also the Battle Institute, EV training, Shiny Hunting/Breeding, Breeding, Battle Maison, among others.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

After you beat the final four, there is still a lot to do in Pokemon. Collecting all of the different kinds of Pokemon in your Pokedex is a big thing to do... and it is pretty tough. It might take some smart trading. :)

Other things to do are get shiny Pokemon, which you can do by trading, but also by breeding or chaining. You can try to get ideal pokemon with better scores than the average ones you might have in a normal game.

You can build a great battle team and play against other people, or wipe out the in-game battles.

You could collect money and buy all of the clothing options from the shops...

All of that will take a while... probably until the next game comes out, but if you get bored, you could also restart the game and play with a handicap. There are people online that do that for fun... so, for instance, you can only keep one pokemon from each area, and it has to be the first one you battle. You have to name it, and use its abilities even if you wanted a different one. And if a pokemon dies, you have to release it (or trade it to a different game). Things like that make the game much harder, and in some ways much more interesting. You get to know Pokemon that you wouldn't normally play with, and are much more careful in battle. :)

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βˆ™ 13y ago

He will leave, that's when you should go to Mt.Battle and train till your Pokemon are at least Lv(35_43) or stronger.Then head for the tower!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Nothing your Pokemon just get healed to full health and you can battle him again.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

As in beaten the Elite 4? Because if you have that allows you access to more of Unova including Straiton. Work you way through those towns.

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