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Q: What do you think happened to mrs johansen on the way back from uncle henrick's boat?
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Why did mrs johansen tellthe girls they should stay from people while at uncle henricks?

Mrs. Johansen told the girls to stay away from people while at Uncle Henrik's to protect them from potential danger, as there were German soldiers in the area. She wanted to keep them safe and minimize any risks of getting caught or putting their family in danger.

What do you think happened to Mrs. Johansen on the way back from Uncle Henrik's boat?

It is implied in the book "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry that Mrs. Johansen was captured and never made it back from Uncle Henrik's boat. The silence from her absence and the way her husband and daughters reacted to her disappearance suggest a grim fate.

What is uncle henriks occupation?

Uncle Henrik is a fisherman who lives in the village with the Johansen family in the novel "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry.

Why do you think Mrs. Johansen didn't tell annemarie what she was really carrying to uncle henrik on the boat?

Mrs. Johansen did not tell Anne Marie what she was really carrying to Uncle Henrik on the boat to keep her safer.

Why didn't mrs johansen tell annemarie what she was really carrying to uncle henrik on the boat?

Mrs. Johansen did not tell Annemarie the truth about what she was carrying to Uncle Henrik on the boat because she wanted to protect her daughter from the danger and implications involved in transporting Jewish refugees to safety during World War II. By keeping Annemarie in the dark, Mrs. Johansen shielded her from potential harm and allowed her to maintain innocence and ignorance about the dangerous mission.

What happen to mrs johansen on her way back from uncle henrik's boat?

Mrs. Johansen is stopped by soldiers while on her way back from Uncle Henrik's boat, but she manages to distract them and avoid suspicion by showing them a handkerchief stained with red wine. This allows her to safely continue on her journey home.

Why do uncle gentil and Mrs. Johansen lie to Annemarie about great aunt birte?

your mother

How did Mrs johansen stop the German soldiers from looking in the casket?

Mrs. Johansen told the soldiers that the casket contained the body of her uncle who had died from a highly contagious disease. The soldiers, fearing for their health, decided not to open the casket.

What happen to Mrs.johansen on her way back from uncle henrik's boat?

On her way back from Uncle Henrik's boat, Mrs. Johansen was stopped by German soldiers who were checking all passengers. Thankfully, they let her go after questioning her and searching her belongings, finding nothing suspicious. Mrs. Johansen was able to safely return home despite the close call.

What did mrjohansen tell uncle henrick that inge was bringing to him?

Mr. Johansen said that Inge was bringing him a carton of cigarettes (Ellen) Hope that helps!

What was uncle henricks explanation for annemarie not seeing the rosens in the boat in number the stars?

Uncle Henrik told Annemarie that the Rosens were hiding under the deck of the boat, so when she looked, she wouldn't see them. In reality, the Rosens were actually hidden in the secret compartment of his boat, smuggling them to safety from the Nazis.

What was missing from the conversation between Mrs.johansen and uncle Heinrick in the book number the stars?

In the book "Number the Stars", the conversation between Mrs. Johansen and Uncle Henrik was missing the specific details of the plan to help the Rosens escape to Sweden. The dialogue was intentionally vague to keep the plan secret in case of eavesdropping. Henrik only gave subtle hints to Mrs. Johansen about his involvement in the rescue mission.