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he calls the ring; "the precious"

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his birthday present

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Q: What does Gollum call the ring in chapter 4 of the hobbit?
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Why did gollum call the ring his precious?

Gollum did not call himself precious. Precious referred to his ring, his precioussssss. In The Hobbit book, his nickname is Gollum because he makes "horrible swallowing noise in his throat, though he is always called himself 'my precious'." The movies do not exactly follow Tolkien's version.

Is gollum in the hobbit a snake?

Gollum is a Close relative to the hobbits who gets changed by the influence of the ring.

How does gollum feel about Bilbo The Hobbit?

He hated him for taking the ring from him

What does The Hobbit find in the cave?

Bilbo found both the ring and Gollum.

How does Gollum behave in The Hobbit?

In "The Hobbit," Gollum is cunning, with a split personality that fluctuates between his Smeagol and Gollum personas. He is obsessed with the One Ring and is deceitful in his interactions with Bilbo Baggins.

Why did Gollum talk to himself in The Hobbit?

He is not talking to himself, he is referring to the ring which is "my precious".

Should Gollum from the Hobbit be considered a sympathetic creature?

no he killed his mate for a ring

When Bilbo spared Gollum in 'The Hobbit' was that fate or his free will?

who can really tell? but if gollum had not survived the one ring could never have been destroyed.

In Chapter 5 of 'The Hobbit' what was Gollum's birthday present and why was it so important?

It was the One Ring. His cousin Deagol found it in the bottom of the river Anduin and Smeagol (Gollum) killed him for it. One of the justifications was that it was his birthday and it was a present for him. The Ring is important because it is the pivotal reason for the entire book: the re-emergence and ultimate destruction of the Ring.The way that Gollum came by the Ring is also important: because the Ring came to him by evil means, it corrupted Gollum that much easier. In the end, Gollum's complete corruption and lust for the Ring was what (ironically) saved Middle-Earth.

What film series is Gollum well known for?

Gollum is a well known character from the Lord of The Rings film series. Gollum was once a hobbit, but the power of the one ring, his "precious" consumed him, Turing him into the Gollum creature.

Why does gollum not appear in the desalation of smaug?

Gollum did not appear in the Desolation of Smaug becuase Gollum was more Lord of the Rings than the Hobbit and the reason he was in the Unexpected Journey was becuase thats when Bilbo fell into his cave and found the ring and had riddles with him as Gollum only appears in the riddles in the dark part of the Hobbit and Gollum also did not leave his cave untill the Hunt For Gollum and another thing the Hobbit trilogy has Smaug as the antagonist just like the Lord of the Rings trilogy has Gollum as the antagonist

What part of the trilogy Lord of the Rings gollum got the ring?

Gollum possesses the ring in The Hobbit and Bilbo gets it from him. In the third book, the return of the king, he briefly has it again in mordor at mount doom