Kurai is the Japanese word that either means "Take that" or "Eat this".
The Korean adapation of the Japanese manga does take place in Seoul.
Japanese dub shall come out in 2010 but it should take two years for it to be dubbed in English BY SEALAND AND CHINA ^^
Take dance lessons. A lot of them.
Kobyashi Maru, designed to be unbeatable so it could make future captains experience fear. The name is Japanese, as the "Maru" part is included in the names of most Japanese ships. I believe it means "ship".
A way you can tape gag someone effectively is my taking a sock or cloth and shove it into your victims mouth and then take a roll of duct tape and you can either take several strips and place it on their mouth or wrap the roll around their head tightly untill they are quiet
I take it you know someone who really doesn't like Bakugan. Bakugan is Japanese for "Exploding Sphere."
Most of the time, Japanese people take part of the blubber.
It's out already, only in Japanese and dattabeyo didn't sub it so someone else has to do that which will take some time.
In Japan, the act of showing respect is by bowing. Another Japanese custom is waiting for someone to take the lead in raising a glass at a party before everyone else will take a sip.
The Japanese youth take interst exams to determine a career they are for which they are well suited.
"Take out" as in food? Mochikaeri.
You know the verb' to take' is one of English words with highest number of meanings. Most common usages of it, in Japanese could be: 持って行く /motte i ku/ to take, to carry away with oneself 連れて行く /tsu re te i ku/ take someone along, take with oneself 撮る /to ru/ to take (a picture), to record (a movie)
Not every college will offer Japanese as a language, but many do.
take care always
The Japanese government, and the Japanese military.
That would really take a long time, since there is no Japanese space center on the moon.