14 times. This is when Ron discovers that James potter (Harry's father) was also the seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team in his day.
To be born on February 14, 1986 it means that you were born on a Friday. That day was also Valentine's Day.
May 14, 1993
14 hours a day.
One-day One-park$82 for adults$74 for children (3-9)One-day Park Hopper$136 for adults$128 for children (3-9)Prices decrease per day when you buy more than three days. For example, a ten day ticket costs $262 for adults (an average of $26.20 a day) and $239 for children (an average of $23.90 a day).
A average person produces flatulence about 14 times a day.
the average person farts 14 times a day!
Flatulance or (Breaks winds or farts)
The average person passes gas around 14 times a day, but this can vary based on diet, lifestyle, and individual differences.
Average is 14 times a day. Men AND women.
Anywhere from three times a day to once every three days is considered normal. Once a day is average.
Men and woman fart about 14 times a day
14-48 on average!
I do not have the capability to track that information.
The average person farts about 13 times per day. I see no reason why 14 YO girls should be different.
On average, a cow sits down around 14 times a day. However, this number can vary depending on factors like age, health, and environment.
Adults average between 18,000 - 30,000 per day.