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Gandalf proves to be a very good manipulator when talking to Beorn because of how he brings the Dwarves in at very high points in the story. He does this so Beorn would stay interested in the story. I hope this answered your question:)

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14y ago

In general, Gandalf does not manipulate, he persuades. The notable exception to this is in The Hobbit. He manipulates Bilbo and the dwarves by putting a mark on his fence stating "burgler for hire" or some such time.

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8y ago

He marked Bilbo's door which leads to his adventures. He got Beorn interested in the story by interruption. He mocked the trolls until daylight (when they fought with each other and turned to stone).

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13y ago

There's little suggestion that Gandalf used any powers to manipulate Beorn. He did however persuade him that he, Bilbo and the Dwarves were friends rather than a potential threat. In telling him the tale of their story so far Beorn was convinced and later helped them at the Battle of Five Armies.

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16y ago

He stretched out his story of the dwarves adventurers in such as way that it was a long time before Beorn really knew how many of them there were.

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