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His family.

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Q: What does cole take to the island?
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Related questions

Where does Edwin take Cole in Touching Spirit Bear?

to a island

What does Cole plan to escape from the island?

Cole plan was to escape from the island by swimming off from the island.

Why does Cole from touching spirit bear try to escape from the island?

The reason is Cole is stubborn and thinks the island cannot stop him.

Who is cole on Harpers island?

Cole is Abby's Dad's Old Deputy. He is dead...

Where does Edwin take Cole before sunrise in the book Touching Spirit Bear?

Before sunrise, Edwin takes Cole to a remote, isolated island in the Alaskan wilderness in the book "Touching Spirit Bear." This island is meant to serve as Cole's place of reflection and healing as he undergoes the Circle Justice process.

What does Cole do to try to escape the island?

To escape the island, Cole builds a makeshift raft out of logs and tries to navigate the treacherous waters back to the mainland. He also tries to signal passing boats for help by using flares and a makeshift flag.

What island Alaskan island did Cole Matthews spend most of his time on in the book 'Touching Spirit Bear'?

Cole Matthews spent most of his time on a fictional island called Drake in the book 'Touching Spirit Bear'.

What happens in the last chapter of touching spirit bear?

peter goes to the island with cole. where peter and cole become friends.

Did cole notice a difference in peter-touching spirit bear?

definitely! When peter had to come to the island, he was acting the way cole acted to him. He was trying to get cole back, just so cole would see how it feels

What did Edwin mean when he warned cole that he was part of a much bigger circle on the island?

he meant that he was on a circle with him and other people that was like Cole.

When Cole awakens from his first night on the island what does he see?

He sees the at oow

How many days is cole on the island touching spirit bear?

my ass