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mkay is just saying ok

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Q: What does mkay?
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Its bad, mkay

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Yesh Mkay!

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"cuz kids drugs are baydd mmmkayy??" Because Marijuana (Say it as if you were 3) is bad, mkay. It causes alot of effects, and alot of them are bad mkay?

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drugs are bad mkay

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Because drugs are good...mkay

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WHY did the Kobe quake happen?

The Tectonic Plates Shook And Hit each other Forming Seismic Waves.........Mkay

Why are drugs not good for you?

Yes, Drugs are bad mkay, marajuana, marajuanas a drug, drugs are bad mkay.

What number does not have a 7 as a factor?

4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17,18, I could go on but it would take forever since numbers go on and on and on mkay bye

What is the name of the closest ocean to Texas?

First, it is not an ocean. It is the Gulf of Mexico. If the question is asking for ocean my guess would be the Pacific Ocean. mkay