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Q: What does the term Poppet mean in Pirates of the Caribbean?
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What is a buccaneer?

A pirate. The term comes from the French boucanier, a person who preserves meat by smoking it. A lot of these became pirates in the Caribbean, apparently.

What a Buccaneer?

A pirate. The term comes from the French boucanier, a person who preserves meat by smoking it. A lot of these became pirates in the Caribbean, apparently.

What is the difference between a buccaneer and a raider?

The term "buccaneer" historically referred to French adventurers who attacked Spanish ships in the Caribbean. "Raider" is a more general term for individuals or groups who attack and plunder. While both can refer to pirates, buccaneers were specifically associated with Caribbean-based piracy, while raiders can be more widely used to describe attackers in different regions or contexts.

What are bucaneers best known for doing?

Buccaneers were pirates who attacked Spanish shipping in the Caribbean Sea during the 17th century. The term buccaneer is now used as a synonym for a pirate.

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It was a derogatory term used [by pirates] to describe a bastard son of a sailor.

What is a poppet?

Humans. More specifically, young girls may be referred to as poppets. (This is from the Middle English word for puppet.) The term is also used to mean simple stick representations of human figures, a precursor to the voodoo doll.

What animal is a poppet?

Humans. More specifically, young girls may be referred to as poppets. (This is from the Middle English word for puppet.) The term is also used to mean simple stick representations of human figures, a precursor to the voodoo doll.

Who attacks and robs ships?

The general term is a pirate.

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It just is, it is a caribbean term.

What does the term middle passages refer to?

The trip between West Africa and the islands of the Caribbean

What is a mamaguy?

This is a Caribbean slang term meaning to deceive or tease, or the act of such teasing.

Two term territories that are surronded by the Caribbean sea?

CAyman Islands and Jamaica