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In 1952, when she was only eight (8) years old she was accidentally wounded in the right eye by a shot from a BB gun fired by one of her brothers.

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Q: What happend to Alice Walker at 8 years old?
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How old is Alice Walker?

Alice Walker is 73 years old (birthdate: February 9, 1944).

When was Alice Walker born?

Alice Walker was born on February 9, 1944. 70 years old.

How old is Alice Walker in 2009?

65 years old.

What time period did Alice Walker live in?

Alice Malsenior Walker was born in 1944 and is still alive- she is 66 years old according to wikipedia

How old does Alice Walker make?

Alice walker is 67 in 2011;68 in 2012;69 in 2013;70 in 2014

How old was Alice Walker when she got shot in the eye with the BB gun?

Alice walker was playing with her brother and he accidently shot her in her left eye they where frighten they would get in trougble so they told her to lie and jhkujkvd

Is Alice walker dead in 2018?

No, Alice Walker is alive in 2018. She is an American author and activist best known for her novel "The Color Purple."

Is Alice Walker 64 years old?

yes she is 64 (this question was answered in 2008) you may have to add acouple of years thank you

Is Alice Walker still blind?

Alice Walker is not blind. She is a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and activist known for her work, including the novel "The Color Purple."

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Paul Walker was 40 years old when he died.

Is Alice Walker still Alive or is she dead?

she is still alive and she is 64 years old

What happened to alice walker when she was eight years old that changed her life?

Alice Walker was accidentally shot in the right eye by her brother with a BB gun when she was eight years old, which caused her to lose the sight in that eye. This incident significantly impacted her life and influenced her perspectives on race, gender, and social justice.