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She was comfortably sequestered from court, and very closely watched by spies representing Queen Mary, her reigning Catholic half-sister. Queen Mary died before evidence could be gathered to send the suspected-Protestant Elizabeth to the headsman.

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Q: What happened to Queen Elizabeth when she was exiled from court?
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Did Queen Elizabeth I go to Shakespeare's play?

Yes, she did Queen Elizabeth did she said it was the finest play she went to. Queen Elizabeth was in the court where Shakespeare's plays were performed, she attended a lot of his plays.

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She only saw them in her court. Queen Elizabeth did not attend the public theatres.

Where did Queen Elizabeth lived?

Queen Elizabeth l lived at Hampton Court Queen Elizabeth ll lives at Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle

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It was a residence for Elizabeth I. Elizabeth II never lived there.

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Queen Elizabeth did not go to Shakespeare plays. Shakespeare's plays, and, much more often, the plays and entertainments of others went to her. And whoever was at court when that happened saw the entertainment with her.

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Ralph M. Sargent has written: 'At the court of Queen Elizabeth' 'The life and lyrics of Sir EdwardDyer (formerly entitled 'At the court of Queen Elizabeth')' 'Biology in the Blue Ridge' -- subject(s): Highlands Biological Station

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What did Shakespeare do to achieved fame?

Wrote plays that pleased the court of Queen Elizabeth I, as well as the crowds in the inn-yards.