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The anticlimax of The Hunger Games story was when your mum was reading the book and suddenly exclaimed, "Peeta is such a strong willed young boy. I wouldn't mind dating him!" Your mom's 64. :S

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Katniss tells Peeta her love for him isn't true, it was to win the games.

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Q: What happens after the climax in the story The Hunger Games?
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What does the title The Hunger Games have to do with the story?

I am guessing that The Hunger Games stands for surviving your hunger? That would be my best guess

What are the features of climax?

A climax is the most exciting part of a story, because the plot has thickened, and the action is at a height. The problems in the story have peaked, and what happens in the climax of the story, usually between three characters, results in the denoument of the story, which culminates in the ending of the story. The climax of the story is what happens that is so exciting, and it ends the suspense of wondering what is going to happen. Everything that happens in the denoument to the end results from the climax, usually logically, and is no surprise, unless there is a surprise ending.

Is the hunger games story likely to come true?

no...because its fantasy and would be kind of scary/weird if that happens....:P

What is the meaning of the book title the Hunger Games?

Every year in Panem, The Hunger Games occur. The story is of Katniss participating in the Hunger Games.

Who is the rebel in the story The Hunger Games?

no one

Jennifer Lawrence chose to do the Hunger Games for the ''story'' or the ''money''?

The story.

Who is the protagonist in The Hunger Games and why?

The protagonist in The Hunger Games in Katniss Everdeen, and why is because she tells the story from her point of view.

Why is The Hunger Games special?

Bcause it is an amazing story

When is the second story of the hunger games coming out in cinemas?

in 2080

Who is the antagonist in the story of the hunger games?

The capitol. President Snow

This Word means anything that happens to or is done by a character in a story?
