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XYZ material monsters no longer count as being monsters on the field, any equip cards will fall off, they will go to the graveyard.

Ekibyo Drakmord can only return to hand when it destroys the monster it equips. In this case it will simply go to the graveyard and can't return, it went there as its equip target became an invalid one.

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Q: What happens to ekibyo drakmord if equipped to the opponents monster that is used as a stack in an XYZ Summon?
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The Equip Spell card is called "Ekibyo Drakmord".

When a Gemini monster that is equipped with Ekibyo Drakmord is resummoned is Ekibyo Drakmord destroyed?

No, when you 'second summon' a Gemini Monster, it doesn't actually leave the field. So any counters on it will remain, as will any lingering effects (such as Chain of Memories) and Equip cards will remain attached.

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the monster still gets the bonus of attack points hope this helps!

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Yes it works on any monster.

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Any Equip card that doesn't specifically say otherwise, can be equipped to your opponent's monsters. Even if that would be disadvantageous to you, it still can be done. It also means if a monster is equipped with Axe of Despair, it still remains equipped with it even if control of the monster changed.

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Yes, it will (only if you use it on your own monster). Why? Ekibyo Drakmord's effect targets just one monster and destroys it. When you use Remote Revenge, this effect will target your opponent's monster. Hope this helps! :) But I hope this is correct...

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Flint is sent to the graveyard

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then all cards on the field are destroyed unless the union monster has an effect that says that it can be destroyed instead of the equipped monster

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As Destiny Hero - Plasma's equip effect is a "Once Per Turn" effect, yes it can, and the existing monster is destroyed.

What happens if Relinquished is attacked while equipped with a monster in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Relinquished's equipped monster is destroyed if Relinquished's ATK is lower than the foe's attacking monster's ATK. If Relinquished is in Defense position, its equipped monster is destroyed if its DEF is less than the attacking monster's ATK. Either way, Relinquished remains on the field.

Can you equip Ekibyo Drakmord to an opponent's set monster card?

Equip cards can never be attached to Set monsters. They can only ever attach to a face-up monster.

If an equipped monster falls off where does it go?

If an equipped monster finds itself no longer equipped to a monster for any reason, then it is sent to the graveyard.