Betty Williams was born on May 22, 1943.
Betty Amann was born on March 10, 1905.
Betty Smith was born on December 15, 1896.
Betty Comden was born on May 3, 1917.
Betty Marsden was born on February 24, 1919.
Both of Betty Grable's daughters, Victoria Elizabeth James and Jessica James Rule, are alive and well. They have largely stayed out of the public eye and maintained their privacy, living their lives away from the spotlight.
The duration of Betty Boop's Birthday Party is 420.0 seconds.
Betty's Birthday - 1914 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
Betty Birney was born in 1947.
Betty Boop's Birthday Party was created on 1933-04-21.
Betty Williams was born on May 22, 1943.
Betty Buckley was born on July 3, 1947.
Betty Washington was born on June 20, 1733.
Betty Furness was born on January 3, 1916.
Betty Field was born on February 8, 1913.
Betty Friedan was born on February 4, 1921.
Betty Ong was born on February 5, 1956.