Freddie McCall was born on December 4, 1896
Freddie Spencer Chapman was born on May 10, 1907.
Freddie Maas is 6'.
Freddie Linsky was born in 2005.
Freddie Portelli was born in 1944.
He's Single.. Doesnt Have one ..Now.. (July 2010)
he doesnt have one (yay )and he is not dating Sarah bolger (girl from the spiderwick croniacals )v this is because well one reason is that Sarah is from Ireland and he is from England ! hope that wasa help !
Freddie McCall was born on December 4, 1896
Freddie Prinze was born on June 22, 1954.
Freddie Starr was born on January 9, 1943.
Wilhelm Freddie was born on February 7, 1909.
Freddie Bynum was born on March 15, 1980.
Freddie Keppard was born on February 27, 1890.
Freddie Stone was born on June 5, 1946.
Freddie Scott was born on April 24, 1933.
Freddie Hubbard was born on April 7, 1938.
Freddie Bartholomew was born on March 28, 1924.