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J.K.R said that your patronus is usually the reflection or the exact patronus or the peron or thing that is your happy memory.

Now the debate is, if Jack really is in love with Elizabeth (which i don't believe he is for a plethora of reasons). if he were in love with elizabeth his patronus would be what her's is and her's would be the mate of wills.

but let's say that Elizabeth's is a Swann, therefore Jack's would be a swann, just like Professor Snape's is a doe, because he was in love with lily and lily was in love with James and since jame's was a stag she was a doe.

but i doubt it. we really wouldn't know what Jack's pratronus would be because we don't know what his most happy memory is, or who/what he's in love with. if it were the ocean his patrons would be whatever represents the ocean. i like to think of a Dolphin or a Sparrow.

but we wouldn't know

good question though!!

:) hope this helped a bit

capt. Blue-Eyed Jane

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