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Q: What is Leo orbit its application?
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What does Leo signifies with respect to rocketry?

Low earth orbit

What nicknames does Leo Curbelo go by?

Leo Curbelo goes by Leo.

Who plays Leo Little on Disney Channel's Leo Little's Big Show?

Leo Ryan Howard plays Leo Little on Leo Little's Big Show

What is Leo's nickname?

Leo The Lion

What is the birth name of Leo Diegel?

Leo Diegel's birth name is Leo Harvey Diegel.

Related questions

Which is closer to the sun a satellite in Leo orbit or in geostationary orbit?

LEO orbit is closer to the Earth than a geostationary orbit is.There's essentially no difference in their distance from the Sun.

LEO satellites orbit the Earth with an altitude as low as miles?

A low Earth orbit (LEO) is an orbit around Earth as low as 100 miles and up to 1,240 miles close to the Earth's poles.

What does Leo signifies with respect to rocketry?

Low earth orbit

List a few common application areas for each orbits level satellite systems?

Low Earth Orbit (LEO): Earth observation, remote sensing, satellite communication. Medium Earth Orbit (MEO): Global positioning system (GPS). Geostationary Orbit (GEO): Weather monitoring, telecommunications, television broadcasting.

What is an orbit that is within the outermost part of Earth's atmosphere?

An orbit within the outermost part of Earth's atmosphere is known as a Low Earth Orbit (LEO). Satellites in LEO typically orbit between 160 and 2,000 kilometers above the Earth's surface. These orbits are commonly used for communication, weather observation, and Earth monitoring satellites.

What is satellite Leo?

Satellite Leo refers to low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites that orbit the Earth at an altitude of around 2,000 kilometers. These satellites are used for various purposes such as communication, Earth observation, and scientific research. LEO satellites have shorter orbital periods and are closer to Earth compared to other types of satellites, which can result in faster data transmission and lower latency.

Why is the International Space Station in Low Earth Orbit?

The International Space Station (ISS) is in Low Earth Orbit because it allows for easier access for resupply missions and crew transportation. Additionally, being in a lower orbit decreases exposure to harmful radiation and reduces the amount of fuel needed to maintain its position.

Which layer do most satellite orbit earth?

Most satellites orbit Earth in the low Earth orbit (LEO) which is between 160 to 2,000 kilometers (100 to 1,240 miles) above the Earth's surface.

What is an orbit that is less that 1500 km above the surface of the eatht?

An orbit less than 1500 km above Earth's surface is considered a Low Earth Orbit (LEO). Satellites in LEO typically orbit between 160 km and 2000 km above Earth and are commonly used for communication, Earth observation, and scientific research due to their close proximity to the planet. These orbits are characterized by faster speeds and shorter orbital periods compared to higher altitude orbits.

What does Leo stand for?

usually Law Enforcement Officer but I've also seen Low Earth Orbit - Eric

What are the four orbit levels for satellite systems?

LEO (Low-Earth-Orbit)-100 to 1000 miles out • Used for wireless e-mail, special mobile telephones, pagers, spying, videoconferencing MEO (Middle-Earth-Orbit)-1000 to 22,300 miles • Used for GPS (global positioning systems) and government GEO (Geosynchronous-Earth-Orbit)-22,300 miles • Always over the same position on earth (and always over the equator) • Used for weather, television, government operations HEO (Highly Elliptical Earth orbit)-satellite follows an elliptical orbit • Used by the military for spying and by scientific organizations for photographing celestial bodies

Why must satellites in Leo travel very fast?

Satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) must travel fast to continue orbiting the Earth without falling back down due to gravity. The high speed helps to balance the force of gravity to keep the satellite in orbit. Additionally, the fast speed allows the satellite to complete its orbit around the Earth in a relatively short amount of time.