Lindsay Lohan was born on July 2, 1986.
Lindsay Dee Lohan parents: Michael and dina lohan siblings: Aliana(ali) lohan,
Lindsay Lohan was born on July 2, 1986
Lindsay Lohan is indeed alive, but Kelsey Lohan never existed soo....
Lindsay Lohan's middle name is Dee.
Lindsay Lohan's full name is Lindsay Dee Lohan. "Lindsay Lohan" is not a fake name.
Lindsay Lohan's birth name is Lindsay Dee Lohan.
Answer Lindsay Lohan's mother is Dina Lohan.
Answer Lindsay Lohan's mother is Dina Lohan.
Lindsay Lohan Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Morgan Lohan
Lindsay Lohan was born on July 2, 1986.
ali lohan (1993) is younger than Lindsay (1986)
Lindsay Dee Lohan parents: Michael and dina lohan siblings: Aliana(ali) lohan,
No. Lindsay Lohan was born in New York, USA.
Lindsay Lohan is going to rehab that's why.
Her full name is Lindsay Dee Lohan.