Robert L. Johnson is the founder of Black Entertainment Television.
Robert L. Johnson have 10 siblings and he is the 9th one out of 10
Paul S. L. Johnson died in 1950.
Robert L. Joseph was born in 1923.
Robert L. Bartley was born in 1937.
no Robert l. Johnson is not dead
Robert L. Johnson is heterosexual.
Robert L. Johnson
Robert L. Johnson was born on 1946-04-08.
Robert Johnson died in August 1936 Search for him in Wikipedia
No. They are not from the same family. Signed by a relative of Robert L. Johnson, Wisconsin
Robert L. Johnson
Hell no
Born April 8, 1946
The Black Entertainment Television (BET) network was created by Robert L. Johnson and his wife Sheila Johnson. Robert L. Johnson became the first African American billionaire after selling BET to Viacom in 2001.
Robert L. Johnson is the founder of Black Entertainment Television.