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Q: What is a small mark like a dot?
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What does a staccato mark look like?

A dot under the note.

What is the dot above the j in English lower case?

A tittle is a small distinguishing mark, such as a diacritic or the dot on a lowercase i or j.

What does an exclamation mark look like?

An exclamation mark (!) is a punctuation mark that resembles a straight line with a dot above it. It is used in writing to indicate strong feelings of surprise, excitement, or emphasis.

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1996 cavalier timing marks for replacing timing chain?

The small hole in the larger gear is the timing mark. The smaller gear should have a dot marking the tooth two left of the shaft key.align this dot to dot the hole pointing to the dot

What does a exclamation mark look like?

An exclamation mark is a punctuation mark that looks like a vertical line with a dot at the top (!). It is used in writing to indicate strong feelings, emphasis, or excitement.

What do piloswine's eyes look like?

2 small black dot

What does a front camera look like?

A small circle with dot in the middle

Why do you have to mark every 5 dots in a ticker timer why not everyone?

Because, the time interval between each dot is too small (0.02 sec/dot)when you mark every 5 dots you make it a time interval of 0.1 sec and it is easier to read the displacement.

What is the proofreaders mark for add a period?

The proofreader's mark for adding a period is a small dot placed in the appropriate spot where the period should be added in the text.

What is the question mark dot called?

The dot is called an end mark or a stop, but you can also call it a period, because that is what you are substituting it for in most circumstances. It's the same for the dot in the exclamation point.

Does the word Pip mean champion?

No, "pip" does not mean "champion." Pip can refer to a small seed in a fruit, a small dot or mark, or a high-pitched sound. It is not commonly used to mean champion.